Pressure Builds on DeLay

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So, two wrongs make a right?
       No they don't....I just think it's the pot calling the kettle black. Both parties are as guilty as the other so why did they pick on Delay? It's because the dem's are upset over the election and want to strike back.
        I don't vote on party lines because neither party holds my vaules 100%. I choose to vote for Delay because of his position on Life. You may not like him but at least he stands up and fights for what he believes. I respect anyone who does that even if I don't agree with them.
You may not like him but at least he stands up and fights for what he believes. I respect anyone who does that even if I don’t agree with them.
You can say the same thing about a lot of the pro-choice people.
I don’t vote on party lines because neither party holds my vaules 100%. I choose to vote for Delay because of his position on Life.
Hopefully you will get to vote again for him. I haven’t checked, but the latest boundries might have put me back in Dr. Ron Paul’s district.
It should be obvious to anyone, Democrat, Republican, Green, Socialist or Independent (sorry for whoever I’m leaving out) that Delay is purely and simply, bad news. I know, and am friends with a lot of Republicans, and I find it amazing that they are willing to cover this guy’s back. A good man is a good man, no matter what his party affiliation, and Delay just doesn’t qualify. My 2 cents, gang.

It should be obvious to anyone, Democrat, Republican, Green, Socialist or Independent (sorry for whoever I’m leaving out) that Delay is purely and simply, bad news.

Since we live in a country of innocent until proven guilty and since basic Catholic teaching shows that everyone is entitled to their good name, why believe either democrats (who have a vested interest in unseating him) or the news(who make money by selling news). The only concrete accusation (not conviction) is that lobbyist took him golfing?

The prudent thing to do is wait.
politician. But if he hasn’t committed a crime or a severe ethical violation and the people of his district want him, that’s their choice.
It should be obvious to anyone, Democrat, Republican, Green, Socialist or Independent (sorry for whoever I’m leaving out) that Delay is purely and simply, bad news. I know, and am friends with a lot of Republicans, and I find it amazing that they are willing to cover this guy’s back. A good man is a good man, no matter what his party affiliation, and Delay just doesn’t qualify. My 2 cents, gang.

Tom DeLay is anxiously awaiting a review by the House Ethics Committee. The Dems are stalling. I don’t know of many truely guilty people who actually want their case reviewed. Delay is demonized by the DNC leadership because he is effective at keep his party unified, which obviously creates problems for the minority, who don’t have stall tactics like the Senate does.
I personally go for the nuclear option, let the people decide the vote not the GOP. Oh, if some of you liberals on here are not aware the liberal democrats purged bibles, ten commandment displays, pictures of Jesus and crosses from our public schools are the same people who promoted racial equality. Talk about hypocripsy. And now because we are pro-life and are against homosexuality, euthanasia these liberal democrats like to compare us to radical extremists.
I personally go for the nuclear option, let the people decide the vote not the GOP. Oh, if some of you liberals on here are not aware the liberal democrats purged bibles, ten commandment displays, pictures of Jesus and crosses from our public schools are the same people who promoted racial equality. Talk about hypocripsy. And now because we are pro-life and are against homosexuality, euthanasia these liberal democrats like to compare us to radical extremists.
This tactic is called “Demonization of the Opposition”. You berate and villify your opponents position, while at the same time project that your own position is a progression of the norm. Since the radical left has been infiltrating the courts with interpretational judges for the last 40 years, it has become the bulwark of their legislative strategy. The leaders of the DNC have come to the realization (and Harry Reid admits as much) that they cannot win national races anymore. They have essentially ideolized themselves into a corner, and their only saving grace is to ensure that their well entrenced judicial legislators stay put. That is the reason for the filibuster in the judicial committee.
look at what kerry has done…no worse than delay but were is the witch hunt on him???

WASHINGTON - Sen. [John F. Kerry]( F. Kerry) tapped campaign funds for Red Sox tickets and to pay nearly $300 in overdue Boston parking tickets in March, records show.
 Kerry's Senate campaign committee wrote a $287 check to the City of Boston Parking Clerk on March 31, 2005. The Bay State senator listed ``travel expense'' as the purpose for the expenditure. 

 Kerry leased a car for campaign-related travel in Massachusetts that was cited for about a half-dozen parking tickets in Boston.
Most of the tickets were issued in October and November 2003 and not paid until more than 15 months later in March 2005 after accruing penalty fees.
 ``They were leftover tickets we only found out about when we closed out the lease,'' Kerry spokeswoman Jenny Backus said. ``The car was used for the Senate campaign by staffers and volunteers.'' 

 Kerry, meanwhile, used presidential campaign funds for a $3,150 tab for Boston Red Sox tickets in July when he threw out the first pitch at Fenway Park before the Democratic National Convention. 

 A Federal Election Commission spokesman said congressmen are entitled to pay for parking tickets and other expenses from their campaign funds as long as they were ``campaign-related.'' 

 Other members of the Bay State congressional delegation also reported some novel spending this year. 

 U.S. Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-South Boston) spent $1,231 on makeup services during a two-week stretch in March, according to his most recent FEC report. 

 ``Congresssman Lynch had a pretty intensive round of TV interviews due to the baseball steroid hearings, the [Big Dig]( Dig) hearings and his [Iraq]( trip,'' Lynch spokesman Matt Ferraguto said.
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