Pressure Builds on DeLay

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the will of the people, from judges to elected representatives.
What is the “will of the people” regarding judges? The ones wanting all those judges removed seem to be primarily right-wingers, which is fine. Just don’t confuse one group of partisans with “the people.”

And, as to elected representatives - are you saying that their election means that they can’t be removed for any reason until the next election?
If you think that he’s still a member, you might do well to do a bit of reading about him.
As soon as I’m done with the Manifesto of the Democratic Party by Comrades Howard Dean, Edward Kennedy, and Hillary Clinton.
What is the “will of the people” regarding judges? The ones wanting all those judges removed seem to be primarily right-wingers, which is fine. Just don’t confuse one group of partisans with “the people.”

And, as to elected representatives - are you saying that their election means that they can’t be removed for any reason until the next election?
The will of the people is that their representatives take a vote on all judical nominees, not play games.

Elected representative can be removed or demoted for legitimate reasons. Holding the Republicans accountable to more servere standards than Democrats goes against the will of the people who elected those Republicans, espially when the ones being attacked (Lott, DeLay, Gingrich etc.) just coincidentally are the most active in actually making the agenda happen that they were voted in on.
As soon as I’m done with the Manifesto of the Democratic Party by Comrades Howard Dean, Edward Kennedy, and Hillary Clinton.
Sure, take your time, but do get it straight about Byrd when you can.
The will of the people is that their representatives take a vote on all judical nominees, not play games.
Actually, only the Senate votes on nominations to federal judgeships. All judicial nominees on other levels are not voted on by Congress.
Elected representative can be removed or demoted for legitimate reasons. Holding the Republicans accountable to more servere standards than Democrats goes against the will of the people who elected those Republicans, espially when the ones being attacked (Lott, DeLay, Gingrich etc.) just coincidentally are the most active in actually making the agenda happen that they were voted in on.
I would think that those who want DeLay removed believe that they have legitimate cause.
Actually, only the Senate votes on nominations to federal judgeships. All judicial nominees on other levels are not voted on by Congress.
You are changing the subject. Reset back to post #37.
I would think that those who want DeLay removed believe that they have legitimate cause.
And I would think many Democrats want him demoted because he is the biggest voice against activist judges that will keep abortion, euthanasia, and same-sex perversion legal.
And I would think many Democrats want him demoted because he is the biggest voice against activist judges that will keep abortion, euthanasia, and same-sex perversion legal.
Possibly, maybe even probably. That’s politics.
Possibly, maybe even probably. That’s politics.
And you don’t think ulterior motives can skew a person’s perception of “legitimate cause”?
We finally got our first billboard paid for by Yankee carpetbagging democrats (the news reported a month ago they were on the way).

Message? " Lobbyist took Tom DeLay golfing and all you get is this billboard"

Since Texans aren’t known for being all that gullible, we get the message behind the message: “We democracts are better at wasting money than anyone. Put us in power”

These little weird committes that bring out-of-state funds to unseat politicians elected locally need to pack up and leave. You are about as wlecome as a Taliban recruitment center.
The Republican Party with its willing support of unilateral war…
It seems as if many people aren’t quite clear on what “unilateral” means. Let’s turn to the dictionary for help.

Unilateral: done or undertaken by one person or party.

H.J. Resolution passed into law with vote from both Democrats and Republics. That’s not unilateral. On October 10, 2002, the bill was agreed to in the House by vote of 296 - 133. On October 11, 2002, the bill was agreed to in the Senate by a vote of 77 - 23.

Several nations - Great Britain, Italy, Spain, and others - participated in Operation Iraqi Freedom. This also fails to meet the definition of unilateral.

Now, with the vocabulary lesson over, let’s sit back and count the days until the Democratic high-horses run over Norm Dicks (D-Wash.)
***Rep. Norm Dicks (D-Wash.) Had Lobbyists pay for Trip
Mon May 02 2005 09:40:10 ET

The controversy over lobbyist-funded Congressional travel has brushed yet another Member. Rep. Norm Dicks (D-Wash.) took a five-day jaunt to Miami in February. The original travel disclosure Dicks’ office filed with the House Clerk listed the sponsor as the Spectrum Group, a defense lobbying firm in Alexandria, Va.

That would be a violation of House Rules, ROLL CALL reports on Monday.

And in recent days, Dicks’ office has appended two “corrections” to its initial filing.

The upshot is that Dicks, who sits on the House Appropriations subcommittee on Defense and the Homeland Security panel, has decided to pick up the tab.

That response is not satisfactory to one leading ethics watchdog.

“Reimbursing a lobbyist is not an acceptable option,” said Melanie Sloan, executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. “It’s the concept that everybody does it — but that isn’t an excuse.”

Lobbyists and lobbying firms are prohibited from funding Congressional travel for Members or staff, even if they later get reimbursed by an entity that is allowed to pay, such as lobbyists’ clients, including corporations and trade associations.

On April 27, Dicks’ press secretary, George Behan, said that Dicks had filed an amended travel report that changed the name of the trip’s sponsor from Spectrum to Raydon Corp., a Dayton Beach, Fla.-based client of Spectrum that makes military training simulators.

Gregory Sharp, president of the Spectrum Group, did not return multiple phone calls last week. A Raydon spokesman said he would look into the trip but did not follow up.

On April 27, Behan also said that one of Dicks’ staffers made the change “when she saw the reimbursement come in from Raydon.”

But he later contradicted that.
– Mark L. Chance.
Byrd, the former KKK member. When did he leave the Klan? Just before last year’s elections? Or was it during Clinton’s second term?
This ex-Klansman wasn’t just a passive member of the nation’s most notorious hate group. According to news accounts and biographical information, Sen. Byrd was a “Kleagle” – an official recruiter who signed up members for $10 a head. He said he joined because it “offered excitement” and because the Klan was an “effective force” in “promoting traditional American values.” Nothing like the thrill of gathering 'round a midnight bonfire, roasting s’mores, tying nooses, and promoting white supremacy with a bunch of your hooded friends.
The ex-Klansman allegedly ended his ties with the group in 1943. He may have stopped paying dues, but he continued to pay homage to the KKK. Republicans in West Virginia discovered a letter Sen. Byrd had written to the Imperial Wizard of the KKK three years after he says he abandoned the group. He wrote: “The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia” and “in every state in the Union.”

The ex-Klansman later filibustered the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act – supported by a majority of those “mean-spirited” Republicans – for more than 14 hours. He also opposed the nominations of the Supreme Court’s two black justices, liberal Thurgood Marshall and conservative Clarence Thomas. In fact, the ex-Klansman had the gall to accuse Justice Thomas of “injecting racism” into the Senate hearings. Meanwhile, author Graham Smith recently discovered another letter Sen. Byrd wrote after he quit the KKK, this time attacking desegregation of the armed forces.

The ex-Klansman vowed never to fight “with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”

– Mark L. Chance.
This is a witch hunt!!!

The dem’s are just as guilty as doing anything the republican’s have done. Each of the major news networks has run a story about how reps from both sides are rushing to amend their travel reports and other items that they have gotten from lobby groups. The dem’s are trying to get back at the republicans for ousting their minority leader. Both sides need to watch out because both are going to be held accountable to the same rules.

Just a note… Texans don’t like others telling them who they should vote for and if the dem’s try to make a push to oust him ;the people of this area will run to the polls and vote for him just to make a point. I didn’t particular like him the last time I voted for him but had to because he was the only candidate out of the four running who didn’t believe in abortion. He has proved to me, with his action in the Terri case, that he does indeed stand for the culture of life in general. So for that reason he will continue to get my vote.


Pelosi has her own ethics problems:

Pelosi pressed for trip records
Exactly. Once this was brought up there was a flurry of reporting trips and other perks that had been deep sixed. Since both sides are guilty of taking these junkets when offered, it makes the attacks on DeLay look like nothing more than partisan witch hunting. If he is accused of doing some unethical things then they need to be investigated thoroughly but everyone should be held to the same standard.

The accusers havent heard the old story if you stir up mud, it splatters on you too.

Lisa N
So, two wrongs make a right?
Do you think it fair to persecute Tom DeLay for things that Democratic Reps and Senators are guilty of as well? Fair is fair, right?
Tom Delay may be opposed to abortion, homosexuality and euthanasia. The Rebublican Party is pro-life with exceptions. The Democrats are pro-abortion with no execptions. So both parties are both pro-abortion. Makes sense doesn’t it. You’re either pro-life or you aren’t. If Tom Delay did something wrong then let his accusers testify to the wrong. I hate abortion, homosexuality and euthanasia as well, but the Republican party is not what it really is cracked up to be in terms of pro-life. The reason why the Republicans are pro-abortion is because they don’t help poor.
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