Ah, well, that’s where you and I would differ. I don’t believe things that happen within the Church can be manipulated by evil spirits. The Church is Hallowed Ground, they are not allowed inside, I believe this whole heartedly. In my lifetime I have only ever entered two churches that I believed had something other then God inside of them (they were not Catholic churches) and I KNEW it the moment I stepped foot inside but these churches also professed that Jesus Christ was not real, just a fictional character to spur us into moral action and/or that he was the brother of Satan (don’t ask - I did a lot of church hopping in my youth).I agree with many of your points. Before I converted to Catholicism I had met an old man who played a major role in my conversion. He gave me a pamphlet about Padre Pio and his stigmata, I remember my first thought was how demonic this was. Over time I became desensitized to the many morbid supernatural events in the Catholic Church and thought they were from God. I no longer believe this, I’ve gone back to my initial gut reaction that all these things i.e. stigmata, bleeding statues, visions of hell, bloody hosts etc. are the work of evil spirits.
I’ve long considered the book of Revelation to be false. Any reputable and honest biblical scholar will tell you that it was written only for those living in 1st century and that it is a failed prophecy. Rev. 22:20, Jesus says “Surely I come quickly.” Two thousand years is not quickly … and also I don’t buy the one day thousand year argument.
If anyone wants to remain a sane Catholic I would suggest that they avoid all these things like the plague, if not you could end up tormented like poor Anneliese Michel who was decieved by evil spirits into thinking that she was suffering for God.
Do you think, perhaps, he said “Surely I come quickly” so we would not be lax and rest on our laurels? Do you think, perhaps, he was trying to spur us to continuous fervant action so we wouldn’t grow luke warm or even cold in the Spirit? I don’t know about you but I work best when I know a deadline is near, and I’m prone to procrastinate when I feel there’s lots and lots of time.
You are no longer Catholic then?