@LateCatholic I am disgusted by Republican Party stances too, regarding the poor, but find your tolerance of abortion even more disgusting. A response to Republican extreme individualist economic policies is not even more extreme Democrat individualist policies. It seems your religion is informed by your politics not the other way around. I gave you the benefit of the doubt in the priest abuse debate but now I see you support something far worse than even sins of lust. I will pray for you that you stop getting your truth from a world that you ought to be evangelizing and evangelize it with the truth of God instead.
PS: Both Democrats and Republican policies are sinfully based on prioritizing the lesser over the most serious. A just society prioritizes life always above liberty and private property. Period. So if it is the poor you care about, consider the poor children who don’t even have a right to continue their lives according to people like you. I don’t think you’re a Catholic any more after reading this terrible post!
And by the way, do you realize that your stance, based on “don’t control women’s bodies” is far more extreme than even the most liberal European countries? They certainly “control women’s bodies” by limiting abortion to the earliest weeks. According to such an evil stance as yours, a pregnancy of 9 months could be terminated just fine, because “we can’t control a woman’s body.” What an extremist position this is.
PS: Both Democrats and Republican policies are sinfully based on prioritizing the lesser over the most serious. A just society prioritizes life always above liberty and private property. Period. So if it is the poor you care about, consider the poor children who don’t even have a right to continue their lives according to people like you. I don’t think you’re a Catholic any more after reading this terrible post!
And by the way, do you realize that your stance, based on “don’t control women’s bodies” is far more extreme than even the most liberal European countries? They certainly “control women’s bodies” by limiting abortion to the earliest weeks. According to such an evil stance as yours, a pregnancy of 9 months could be terminated just fine, because “we can’t control a woman’s body.” What an extremist position this is.
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