Saying a woman MUST carry a baby to term from the moment of conception is not compatible with a free society. A fascist or communist society, sure. But not a free one.
Depends how the “society” spins the MUST and the FREE.
There are only four countries in the world where a woman can abort up to birth:
Canada, United States, China and North Korea.
Two of those are totalitarian communist regimes and two are purportedly “free” societies.
In China and Korea, carrying a child to birth without sanction of the State will garner you at least a jail sentence or a forced abortion.
In the United States and Canada, claiming that every child has a right to life could get you tossed off Twitter and Facebook, kicked out of the Liberal party in Canada, and probably have your life and children threatened in the US.
What is your definition of a “free society?”
One where everyone can say and do as they please?
No society is THAT free and no society ought to be. You will always enforce some version of social standards and impose some rule or other, even while reaching for the appeal of “freedom.”
Freedom for whom, exactly? Clearly not the fetus, unless you are gnostic or a Cathar.
A “free society” is a chimera, and in no way an ideal. A moral society, a good society, a civil society, perhaps. A FREE society, not without heavy qualification.
The question – RE: abortion – is whether the fetus is a human being.
If it is, then no other human being, not even a mother, has a right to take that life away from that individual human being.
If it is not, then be prepared to defend some notion of
human being where not every human being counts as human on whatever pretext, and many will be willing to change the boundaries of what constitutes a “human” on very little notice, just as they are willing to change the boundaries on sex or gender. The history of that notion (redefining who counts as “human”) is pretty dark. You are willing to venture very close to the abyss on that. Me, not so much.