It is scientifically correct to say life begins at conception. Stem cells, sperm cells, cancer, etc are not unique “life”, nor can they “become people”, nor can they inherently develop into each stage of the growth of a human being. There is nothing subjective about it, it’s fact. Understandable that the pro abortion argument strongly rejects this, as they know it causes most of their other arguments to completely collapse. But it doesn’t make it any less factual.Annie:
But regardless, your is still a subjective opinion. And scientifically it’s not entirely correct. Consider, for example, stem cells or even identical twins. A stem cell can become two people days after conception. Is the new twin “not alive”?There actually.is something special about conception, for that is the moment a new human comes into existence. Before your conception, you did not exist, bit who you are now can be traced back to that very moment, when DNA from your father entwined with DNA from your mother to create the individual you.
How could any other point be chosen? At all later points, the baby has already been in existence before,; it is only at conception that life begins.
My point is that, even if I am mostly on your side, declaring your subjective opinion as correct without any thought on compromise may satisfy you in terms of your faith, it is NOT going to SOLVE anything in a human society. The thing that frustrates me about the Catholic position on abortion is not that it is wrong per se, but that it is a PERSONAL moral framework that fails completely to actually solve the problem of abortion when applied to society as a whole.
The problem of abortion isn’t solved by making it legal any more than solving the problem of opioid abuse by making that legal.
Liberty is not an argument for anarchy. There’s a reason why laws are in place that might curtail absolute “freedom” for the good of society.
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