And they would be just as wrong about that as those in the USA a century and a half ago who believed that African Americans were 3/5 of a person. Or some Germans in the 1930s believing that Jewish people were not persons.jeannetherese:
Pro-choice people don’t typically believe the fetus is a person. To them, it is apples and oranges. The same argument that applies to you and me doesn’t apply to a fetus.Another way of looking at it is those who are pro life would like the baby to be able to choose life, rather than have that choice denied him or her. It relates to the suggestion that one out of every two patients leave an abortion clinic alive.
In cases where you will be killed without your consent, what choice is there for you?
That’s what happens when we make ourselves the authority on who is a person and who isn’t. This argument about personhood is also completely logically fallacious as any factors that you use to determine a person for the unborn can easily be applied to those already born and thus is easily debunked.
I find that those in favor of abortion rights tend to stick to their cultural leftist talking points and not think critically about them otherwise they would see the fallacies in their arguments.
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