I literally couldn’t care less about my “official” status as a Catholic.
I am baptized. I am confirmed.
I was raised as a Catholic. Every member of my extended family is Catholic except my parents who became Episcopalian.
I went to Catholic School for 10 years.
I spent 10 years on the Board of Directors for Catholic Family Services in my state.
I am raising my children Catholic, but they get to decide whether to be confirmed or not. I am not forcing them to do anything. I even brought my son to Church last Sunday and tried not to squirm as the priest told us all going to R-rated movies was a sin and would destroy our soul. But I tell them the truth - I refuse to spread the lies.
On the other hand:
I believe the sex abuse scandal and the Church’s response is beyond despicable. I believe the stance on gay rights is immoral. I believe the Church’s treatment of women is terrible. I think the Church is horribly broken and corrupt. The history of the Church, even as recent as the 2010’s regarding finances is worse than a Mafia movie. I disagree with nearly every theological principle the Church presents - from original sin, the Trinity, Mary’s virginity, baptism required for salvation, man’s superiority over the environment, Intelligent Design, the idea of Hell/Purgatory, you name it. The Church’s position against science is simply laughable. I believe Christianity, especially Catholicism, and all religion in general is used by those in power to subvert the less educated, ignorant, and fearful through indoctrination. History, facts, and evidence are on my side. I challenge all of you to educate yourself before attacking me. You will be shocked when you realize the lies you are being told.
I realize this makes me a radical. And yes, I am angry that it took me so long to figure this out. So do you all think I should give up on Catholicism? Or should I continue to try (in my opinion) to bring Catholicism into the 21st century? Consider this - if YOU were alive 1000 years ago, you would be a radical as well. Or would you be OK with burning people alive that thought the Sun didn’t revolve around the Earth? Or would you give the Church half your money for indulgences so your local Bishop could feast, but you cut off a few years in Purgatory? In 500 years, I’m not sure I will still be called a radical. But…if you want to say I’m not Catholic, I’m totally fine with it.