Pro choice is not pro genocide. Pro choice is not pro lynching. Pro choice is not pro child slavery.
Yes there are people who believe killing inferior human beings is the right decision. Because “we can’t afford them we don’t want them they are a burden.”
Yes there are people who believe lynching inferior races is the right decision.
Yes there are people who believe child slavery is the right decision.
Why are you making this false equivalence? Every point you make refers to another human being.
It is truly disheartening to see the loss of coherent thought.
You call false equivalence, and in the same sentence point out my recognition of “another human being”, which an unborn child objectively
An unborn child is, objectively speaking:
- unique in it’s DNA
- an individual
- of the species homo sapiens
To deny this is to take up residence with flat earthers and the like. It rejects rational thought. The only justification you can have is to deny the humanity of the unborn child on lack of potency grounds, in other words, the unborn child is simply not powerful enough to assert it’s own rights as a human being.
Do you really want to cast your lot with eugenicists, racists, rapists? Really do you?
Because it seems that is your position. You deny humanity by assertion, not by fact.
This all comes down to when you think a fetus is viable and deserves independence in terms of human rights.
Yes, like that. Rights by potency, not by virtue of humanity.
Catholic believe that life begins at conception and that the fetus should be treated as a human life at that point.
What else is it? You must admit it is human, right? Is it a squirrel? A crocodile? What is it?
If you were to accept mainstream science, what is in the mother’s womb?
I believe that in a free society, you must give women the right to control their bodies up to a certain point.
And the Jews are controlling the mercantile process, they are stealing jobs from our people, they need to go.
Loss of control subjects human beings to murder in your view?
Then that fetus is an independent human being and MUST be treated as a human being. I don’t support abortion rights past a certain point. And personally, I would never recommend an abortion at any point.
Then? What is “then”? “Then” is when you make an assertion?
Why should your assertion be accepted over generally accepted science and thousands of years of moral thought?
I assert, the earth is flat !!! Let it be so.