Pro Choice: Crosswise with the church, one Catholic family votes with its feet

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There is no salvation outside the church. Those who leave the church with the type of knowledge these people had are going to be hard pressed to claim ignorance when their judgement day comes. Pray for them that they might come back to the church in all humility.

God Bless
There is no salvation outside the church. Those who leave the church with the type of knowledge these people had are going to be hard pressed to claim ignorance when their judgement day comes. Pray for them that they might come back to the church in all humility.

God Bless
They are in big trouble come judgment day. You are right, Deacon. We can all agree that they should burn.
I posted this the other day on FreeRepublic - the author is Presbyterian, but he sounds Catholic for this article at least and his point is applicable to this thread and dead on target
This is truly a great article, and I will make enough copies of it to flood my “but who am I to judge?” friends. As Chesterton famously said, “Tolerance is the virtue of those who believe in nothing.” :yup:

Incidentally, I found but one statement antithetical to Catholic belief (the reference to faith, presumably “alone”). 🙂

I’m so pleased with this material that I am grateful to those not-so-well -catchised Catholics who split, thus giving rise to this thread! (It is true that such folks would long have been much happier somewhere else. And isn’t that what it’s all about?!!! :rolleyes: )

Archbishop Chaput was correct (as usual), so let us continue to pray unceasingly for purification, although we must patiently abide with similar tares, if that is God’s preference! 👍

A CINO’s embrace of Protestantism is a net gain for the Catholic Church and a tragic loss for the CINO.
This season, though, the Kings are new members of Country Club Congregational United Church of Christ, off Brookside Boulevard at 65th Street. The small white building with the Christmas-card steeple looks like something Norman Rockwell would have painted. The story of how the Kings ended up there, though, feels like a sad tale of how twisted things have become in the last year, culminating on November 2. . . .
Hmmmmmm…I’m reminded of a gospel passage.

John 6:60, 66: Then many of his disciples who were listening said, “This saying is hard; who can accept it?” … As a result of this, many (of) his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him.
I posted this the other day on FreeRepublic - the author is Presbyterian, but he sounds Catholic for this article at least and his point is applicable to this thread and dead on target

The Myth of the Tolerant God

This sentance sums up the thesis
BRAVO! Thank you for posting this article. I desperately need some organization when I hear the “tolerance” blather.

Lisa N
I’ve thought about not going to church because of all the Catholics who support abortion. But if the pro-abortion Catholics are leaving, maybe I’ll stay.
They are in big trouble come judgment day. You are right, Deacon. We can all agree that they should burn.
Could you clarify? I don’t think anyone here thinks someone should burn. But week after week ina the Catholic Faith in which after 30 years of attending Mass, they should be familiar with the fact they are truely damning themselves. No one likes to see someone damn themselves.

We all agree that a lot of people are just ignorant of the Church teachings and understand that Gos is merciful. But when people in full knowledge turn their back on God, WHOA! It isn’t a matter of should they burn. We are astonished that they are asking to be damned.
Could you clarify? I don’t think anyone here thinks someone should burn.
You have to understand the parameters. If you stand up for genuine Church doctrine, such as insisting that there is no salvation outside the Church for those who culpably reject the Church, then you are a horrible person who delights in the idea that certain people will burn in Hell.

– Mark L. Chance.
I think she was either being satyrical or the frustration about certain high profile people supporting the right to kill unborn children,and then proclaiming,I am Catholic caused a temporary uncharitable moment.😉 God Bless:heart:
I think she was either being satyrical or the frustration about certain high profile people supporting the right to kill unborn children,and then proclaiming,I am Catholic caused a temporary uncharitable moment.😉 God Bless:heart:
God Bless you, Lisa, and Merry Christmas. I was just agreeing with Miguel who said we don’t need baby killers and others who said these people are going to hell. Not trying to be uncharitable, just agreeing with other posters.
I too am conflicted about this story.

Part of me feels “good riddance”, but I also feel sorry for them.

How can a Eucharistic minister give up the Eucharist for a “feel good” church?

I believe that the Catholic Church is going through a “housing cleaning” and we are going to end up with what we started off to be, “One , Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church”!!
Could you clarify? I don’t think anyone here thinks someone should burn. But week after week ina the Catholic Faith in which after 30 years of attending Mass, they should be familiar with the fact they are truely damning themselves. No one likes to see someone damn themselves.

We all agree that a lot of people are just ignorant of the Church teachings and understand that Gos is merciful. But when people in full knowledge turn their back on God, WHOA! It isn’t a matter of should they burn. We are astonished that they are asking to be damned.
If we sin deliberately after receiving knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains sacrifice for sins but a fearful prospect of judgment and a flaming fire that is going to consume the adversaries. Anyone who rejects the law of Moses is put to death without pity on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Do you not think that a much worse punishment is due the one who has contempt for the Son of God, considers unclean the covenant-blood by which he was consecrated, and insults the spirit of grace? We know the one who said: “Vengeance is mine; I will repay,” and again: “The Lord will judge his people.” ** It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.** Heb 10:26-31

I for one don’t think people are being judgemental when they say “people will burn” (or something to that effect). These punishments are recorded in the bible. Jesus is not a warm fuzzy, He is the God of Glory and Power. He is our intercessor before God Most High, who will judge us at our end.
At least they excommunicated themselves.

Now hopefully they will come to know the Truth, AND accept it.
all I’d say to these folks is don’t let the door hit ya on the way out! The Catholic Church is much better off, and I can only imagine their former parish is much better off, without unashamed proponents of murder in it.
What a shocking, ugly thread this has become. I am disgusted by some of the posts here. I’m all for recognizing that the Catholic faith is a tough road to hoe, requires obedience of its membership and is not the path to God for everyone. But how sanctimonious have we become that we can confidently declare that we know who is “going to burn”?!?!?

There isn’t one of you out there that doesn’t struggle with some aspect of church teaching and FAIL to live up to the Church’s expectations. Given that, why/how can anyone take delight when another Catholic brother or sister falls away from the church??? You have allowed yourselves to give into the emotional sway of an article written by someone with an obvious agenda, and forgotten that at the heart of the story, 2 members of our family have gone missing. Even in the secular realm the healthy reaction in such situations would be to first send out a search party and then to mourn–not call the caterers and start the party.
Island Oak:
What a shocking, ugly thread this has become. I am disgusted by some of the posts here. I’m all for recognizing that the Catholic faith is a tough road to hoe, requires obedience of its membership and is not the path to God for everyone. But how sanctimonious have we become that we can confidently declare that we know who is “going to burn”?!?!?

There isn’t one of you out there that doesn’t struggle with some aspect of church teaching and FAIL to live up to the Church’s expectations. Given that, why/how can anyone take delight when another Catholic brother or sister falls away from the church??? You have allowed yourselves to give into the emotional sway of an article written by someone with an obvious agenda, and forgotten that at the heart of the story, 2 members of our family have gone missing. Even in the secular realm the healthy reaction in such situations would be to first send out a search party and then to mourn–not call the caterers and start the party.
I have to agree. As I said before:

*I’m reeling. Un…be…lievable.

I must admit, I am in between “Good riddiance!” and “Christ, have mercy on them!!”.

Ok, they have my prayers.

VERY, very sad that Catholics out there have NO IDEA why they are Catholic THEOLOGICALLY.

“Limited” and “slickly maufactured” morality???

Elizabeth B.:
This is truly sad. They left the Eucharist for the Country Club Congregational United Church of Christ. It’s name says it all.
BTW–for those of you obviously unfamilar with Kansas City, Country Club is a well-known area/neighborhood within the city and many stores/businesses/schools and churches incorporate it into their names.
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