Luther, I should think, desired correction of the Church’s excesses and errors…Or am I completely wrong and Protestantism did not grow out from the RCC and theReformers are the original church and had nothing to do with RCC?The purpose of the Reformation was to get back to the “sole” authority of Scripture
And the RCC did not take kindly to correction by a lowly monk…
It’s authority was not to be questioned by anyone…
Hence the illegitimate birthing of the Protestant Reformation from the RCC…
Illegitimate because not blessed nor by the will to the RCC…
Birthed because it came out of Her alone…
The issues between the Protestant Reformation and Rome are those of an illegitimate daughter arguing with her mother - Hence the animosity and vituperation… It is a family fight… Indeed a notzo civil war… With many casualties…
The RCC has admitted to most of Her excesses - Maybe even all of them… And is seeking peace with Her Reformers… To little avail, as the wounds run deep… And we must remember that we are all children in this fallen world, and thereby vulnerable to childish errors…
Our fallen human condition is so very broken…
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