We have to keep praying that those whose souls are in jeopardy, wake up and stay awake! (Matthew 25:1-13)
Indeed, we have to have our own “oil”, a personal filling.( of the Spirit)…can’t be somebody else’s…we must know Him personally and declare Him as such (Savior), and He will declare us as His when we come knocking at the door of the “wedding”.
It can’t be about knowing Him a little bit, thru others, like His biography. That is like those with a little oil in their lamps, that we are given thru tradition and religion from a youth.
We must have a personal full encounter with the saving Lord, getting our own oil, drawing from the well we have been led too by others and by the Holy Spirit. Being born of the Spirit.
We can not be like Nicodemus who had some ancestral, religious oil, some light, being a leader of God’s people, yet not born again, not born of Spirit. He saw Jesus only biographically (as a great teacher from God). He had not rested his salvation ( thought he was already saved with his little oil) fully on Jesus and gotten His fill dose of oil.
“Behold, I stand at the gate, and knock. If any man shall hear my voice, and open to me the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” Rev 3:20