yes, they had beads, they were found in the graves of Christians dated as early as the 3rd century… Unless you don’t consider that ‘early’. The Desert Fathers of the 3rd to 5th centuries, used pebbles or knotted ropes to count prayers, typically the [Jesus Prayer “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner”). The use of knots or beads with which to pray isn’t prohibited in the Bible. So it is OK for Christians to develop a prayer life using beads as aids.Early Christians had beads”
No no they didn’t I don’t see how you could possibly prove that Christians done that and even still that would be much different between psalms and praying the rosary
So you object to praying with scripture and you object to meditating on the life of Christ. Doesn’t sound like you know what a Christian prayer life should look like.
your understanding of this scripture is incorrect.Actually it means exactly what it says your not allowed to call man Farther or teacher Rabbi was a Jewish word for teacher Matthew 23:7-8