First. I am working with a particular statement, from link in post 1. This statement is repeated in post 35. I put the proper words in bold.
"Evangelization calls us, first of all, to a personal relationship with Jesus. The Almighty God, creator of all, took on human flesh and became one of us in the person of Jesus. His teaching was simple:
God loves you. What does God expect in return?
Love God and love others. It seems so simple."
**Second. **Here is an interesting comment from an
Ignatian Reflections e-mail.
Many of us who lived through a certain era were exposed, as children, to a form of religious education that put so much stress on loving God and neighbor that other central truth claims of the Catholic faith were either ignored entirely or given inadequate presentation. As a result, we were often bewildered and even confounded when we encountered complex arguments against Catholic dogma.
**Third. **Here is my comment. I put the area of doctrines which are being sidestepped in bold. From post 47.
“Obviously, the link in post 1 does not have room for the complete doctrinal approach to topics such as
the need to lovingly seek reconciliation with the Creator following freely chosen serious sin. Unfortunately, some, not all, public writers will, in subtle ways, ignore and deny those teachings because “God loves you.” Post 17 has one explanation for this.”
**Finally. **In answer to the question: "Which doctrines are being side stepped with the statement “Love God and others”?
Primarily, the doctrines involve Mortal Sin.
Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition
CCC Glossary, page 889, Mortal Sin
CCC Index, page 849, “mortal sins,” and “sacramental forgiveness of sins” Both are under the main classification of Sin(s) which begins on page 848.
Links to the Catechism