**Aydan, please remember that Pilate and his wife were on Jesus side. Pilate tried his best to avoid any punishment to Jesus. But the Jews did not allow that.au.truveo.com/Crucifixion-or-Crucifiction-1-of-7-/id/2243276052
I have the answer to whether or not Muslims believe that Jesus was beaten whipped and crowned with thorns. According to this Muslim scholar from Candida Jesus** did not suffer those punishments because pilot ordered much lighter punishments because he did not really want to kill Jesus so he ordered his soldiers to do it in the least painful way possible.** Also the Muslim scholar claims that passion of the Christ was all a lie and things did not really happened that way and we have no proof that Jesus died actually died on the cross itself. Muslim women was correct the period of time leading up to the crucifixion is not discussed in any of the Hadiths or the Koran itself. You can find this information in the first two videos. In the first video skip the middle of it and then the answer ends by the first part of the second video.
To be quite honest I only watched the first and part of the second video because after the Muslim scholar said that the passion of the Christ movie was fake I could not stomach anything else he had to say because that was over the top for me I just couldn’t take any more.
I do not mind if you think that Jesus was abused and beaten. I had agreed to that in my post because once a man is arrested then he is alone in the hands of his enemies (Jews) and anything can happen to him.
But Pilate had given specific orders tot he soldiers not to seriously harm Jesus. One proof of that I can provide to you. I hope you will consider that as a key point in all this matter.
Did not the soldiers catch some one to carry the cross for Jesus?. Thus they relieved Jesus from that difficulty. That was a major act of kindness. Can you check up that in your bible? That will prove that it was not all too bad for Jesus.**