Questions about Homosexual Conversion/ReversalTherapy etc

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Thanks Setter. But I am happy! There is not one bit of CCC verbiage that states that one cannot be happy with the sexual orientation that has been given to them - whether you think it’s “disordered” or not.
You apparently read only the first part of paragraph 2357 in the CCC:
“Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward person’s of the same sex” (CCC)

However, you omit any reference to the rest of paragraph **2357 **which states clearly:
“Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered’. They are contrary to the natural law. …Under no circumstances can they be approved” (CCC)
Originally Posted by dapper
I love my homosexuality. I don’t want to change it and in no way conflicted. I am very happy with my partner of over 4 years whom I love very much.
Originally Posted by **dapper **
It is not easy being gay! I have been through some tough times with it in my own life but am very happy with it now. I have found peace in it and thank God for the way He made me. I have been out for 10 years now.
You and I are going to have to agree to disagree.
You are disagreeing with natural moral law by your choice of behavior.
As I had said before, I am not going to debate you point to point about it because, there is no debate to be had and that was not the original intent of this post.
There you go backing out again when your contradiction with natural moral law is pointed out.
As I always, I appreciate your posts but fail to connect with it. That’s just how it will be.
One can only find what they are seeking or open to hearing.
Oh Setter,

You are amazingly relentless. 🙂
He is, isn’t he? It’s almost cute.

Thanks again Setter for always trying to set me “straight.” - that was a joke. No need to whip out your CCC or bible for that.

Again, thanks for the reply. I am happy with who I am and with my life. I do not need the Catholic Church to approve it to make it so.
Thanks Setter. But I am happy! There is not one bit of CCC verbiage that states that one cannot be happy with the sexual orientation that has been given to them - whether you think it’s “disordered” or not. You and I are going to have to agree to disagree. As I had said before, I am not going to debate you point to point about it because, there is no debate to be had and that was not the original intent of this post.

As I always, I appreciate your posts but fail to connect with it. That’s just how it will be.

That said, I am still open to hear anymore’s testimony to the treatment or reversal of SSA/homosexuality. Again, I would like to know:

**-- Why you chose to do this **
**-- What the process was/is **
**-- If you felt the treatment was successful **
– Where you are in your life now

If you need to contact me privately via email, please do so. Thanks!
The Catholic church doesn’t emphasize reparative therapy when dealing with people who have same-sex attractions. Courage is the only church-sponsored group and that group promotes chastity and platonic friendship rather than reparative therapy. Naturally, Catholics who have tried reparative therapy will probably do it through NARTH’s recommended therapists such as Joseph Nicolosi and Richard Fitzgibbons because they have a very Catholic background. The other groups that sponsor reparative therapy are primarily evangelical and include Exodus International. People like Alan Chambers and Steven Bennett have successfully reversed their same-sex attractions enough to be in an authentic, loving marriage with the opposite sex. The other resource is Alan Medinger who wrote a book entitled “Growth into Manhood”. His website is as follows:
There’s a poster on the following thread that talks about his experience with Medinger’s therapy and he seems to indicate that he’s had some success. You had a couple of exchanges with him, Dapper:
For the very reasons listed above, you probably won’t find alot of people on this forum who have undergone reparative therapy outside of the most popular resouces such as NARTH, and Exodus, Intl. Dapper, on some level I’m sure you’re sincere about wanting info on users of reparative therapy but it also seems like you have an agenda in that you’re looking for a way to prove your point which is that reparative therapy isn’t valid and because you’re happy with your sexuality and lifestyle, maybe everyone should emulate you rather than waste their time on this therapy. I could be wrong, but it almost seems like there’s a self-fulfilling prophesy in your search. The bottom line is that faithful Catholics on this forum probably don’t agree with your lifestyle choice to embrace your homosexuality by having a sexual relationship. For all the reasons that setter so eloquently covered, you’re not living in conformity with the Church’s teaching in this area and whether you think you’re happy or not, to followers of the Church’s teaching, your behavior is ultimately self-destructive and spiritually harmful but something tells me my statements won’t resonate very well with you - that’s ok but be realistic about who you’re talking to on these posts. God Bless - I’ll pray for you.
Then you are in some serious denial. Go take a look again at those pic’s from the web link that you provided – those are real people, i.e., “subjects”. Do you not consider this “evidence” of an actual phenomenon? As I asked dapper, I now ask you: Are you seeking truth? Or are you only just seeking the “evidence” that confirms you own pre-determined agenda? Let the facts and evidence speak for itself, and not unvalidate the real life expereince of those who have successfully re-oriented their SSA to a properly ordered OSA sexual orientation.
As I originally said, all we hear is from NARTH. And, no, I do not consider a picture to be testimony from a subject.
He is, isn’t he? It’s almost cute.

Thanks again Setter for always trying to set me “straight.” - that was a joke. No need to whip out your CCC or bible for that.

Again, thanks for the reply. I am happy with who I am and with my life. I do not need the Catholic Church to approve it to make it so.
Now really, were you expecting anything less from a serious Catholic on an orthodox Catholic discussion forum? BTW – There is nothing cute about the reality and stakes at hand. Each person is given a free will by God to each choose his own way.
Now really, were you expecting anything less from a serious Catholic on an orthodox Catholic discussion forum? BTW – There is nothing cute about the reality and stakes at hand. Each person is given a free will by God to each choose his own way.
It’s not about being a serious catholic. It’s about recognizing when to say something and when to pray in silence.

Stephen Bennet

Stephen Bennett struggled with homosexuality *(or same-sex attraction, SSA) *until he was 28 years old. Alcoholic, bulimic and a drug addict, his destructive life style nearly killed him. Over 11 years active as a promiscuous homosexual man with numerous male partners, many of Stephen’s homosexual partners and friends are tragically dead from AIDS. Finally, one day while happily involved in a long term, committed relationship with a man he was in love with, Stephen was confronted by a Christian woman knocking at his door with a Bible in her hand – and the gospel of Jesus Christ. He would never be the same again.

That was over 16 years ago. Today at 42, Stephen is happily married over 13 years to his beautiful wife Irene - a Christian woman - who knew Stephen when he was actively living as a homosexual man and never stopped praying for him. Stephen and Irene are the parents of two beautiful little children, a boy and a girl. Their passion and commitment – as a couple and a family – is to *make a difference *in the lives of millions worldwide with the Truth.

Stephen Bennett’s message is one of love, compassion and exhortation to the church: that we need to love and reach out to homosexual individuals as Christ would. At the same time, we need to take a principled, biblical stand against the promotion and acceptance of a behavior-based lifestyle – one the Bible calls sin. While it’s a very fine line to walk, it can be done.
It’s not about being a serious catholic. It’s about recognizing when to say something and when to pray in silence.

With Jesus and the early apostles as my example, I have actually been doing both (my commission to present the light of truth). I note that your only (name removed by moderator)ut on this thread has been to interject chiding/admonishment of one presenting the truth of the gospel in all charity. 😦
With Jesus and the early apostles as my example, I have actually been doing both (my commission to present the light of truth). I note that your only (name removed by moderator)ut on this thread has been to interject chiding/admonishment of one presenting the truth of the gospel in all charity. 😦
First of all, I am sorry that you feel chided. I think I wanted to poke fun, not chastise. Second, I don’t believe that the OP is in a position to be receptive to the truth. I came in after you had put in several posts trying to get him to have a conversation, he was not interested in having. It’s okay to have brought up the issue the first time, but there’s also a point when you have to let go and let God.

Also, consider the possibility that reading a testimony might plant a seed that allows OP to consider the teaching of the church. And after such a seed has been planted, you may want to pose your probing questions about truth. I certainly don’t want to suggest that you should always refrain from presenting the light of truth, but go easy sometimes. 🙂

As I have said before about conversion therapy- expensive and not a sure thing. Why not let some of us be happy with a homosexual orientation?
As I have said before about conversion therapy- expensive and not a sure thing. Why not let some of us be happy with a homosexual orientation?
once again as others have stated “conversion therapy” is not mandated by the Church…
you can be a homosexual just dont practice homosexual acts:)
once again as others have stated “conversion therapy” is not mandated by the Church…
you can be a homosexual just dont practice homosexual acts:)
If you are not Catholic, you can be gay and have a partner too. 🙂
Now really, were you expecting anything less from a serious Catholic on an orthodox Catholic discussion forum? BTW – There is nothing cute about the reality and stakes at hand. Each person is given a free will by God to each choose his own way.
Did I expect anything less? YES, I DID! What I did not ask for was for you to interject the Church teachings that I already know. I know that you feel it’s your duty to get them on these threads and that’s great but it deviates from my original question. All I wanted was some testimony which I promised to refrain from arguement from.

So I ask you, do you have testimony to add or just your CCC quotes? If it’s the latter, start a new thread.

Oh, and BTW, you are cute. 🙂
As I have said before about conversion therapy- expensive and not a sure thing. Why not let some of us be happy with a homosexual orientation?
That line “why not let some of us be happy with a homosexual orientation” seems to really ignite some folks here. Why, I do not know.

The fact of the matter is, I am totally happy with the way God made me and fail to understand why one would want to do through this kind of conversion therapy. I guess some folks are not happy with it and so much so, that they would like to reverse it. That said, I am curious to the process of it, what is taught/trained and the status of anyone who has gone through currently etc.
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