It sounds to me as though it sees its mission as addressing the spiritual needs of any and all Catholics with a strong emphasis on catechesis.
Well, you and I know that faith in Jesus Christ, and a personal relationship with Him certainly gives results now, and there may even be spontaneous signs of the in-filling of the Holy Spirit. But we know that the change is internal, in our hearts, and it may be gradual, it may be sudden, but it involves what I don’t think most people are given to understand from ALPHA, whether they are baptized Catholic, or are a pagan.
We have to first, give up, voluntarily, our will, our wishes, our dreams, our opinions of ourselves, our wealth, our families, our very **lives, **to Jesus Christ, recognizing that we are sinners in need of salvation. It is in that act of total self-sacrifice to Jesus Christ that we love Him and find that He fills us with the Holy Spirit.
You know, and I know, that is very difficult to do, and it is with the help of the Holy Spirit that we can even approximate it in the first place. But that is the gateway, that is the door through which we enter, Jesus Christ. He is the Way. All power is given to Him, Jesus Christ. We don’t direct people to seek spirituality first, We direct them to seek Jesus, fall on their knees in repentance and ask Jesus Christ to save them, enter their lives and take command. He does that through the Holy Spirit and that is the order of the gospel, and that is what I mean by Christo-centric.