Racism, Neo-Nazism, and Catholic Teaching

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Maybe you just didn’t understand the question. Would it be right in saying then that the general aspect of white people having greater income than non-immigrant black people has to do with the centuries of oppression that group faced which is still giving them financial disadvantage?
So fascinating, once again the solution to another life’s very difficult problem is found in the love and mercy of Christ…
Maybe you just didn’t understand the question. Would it be right in saying then that the general aspect of white people having greater income than non-immigrant black people has to do with the centuries of oppression that group faced which is still giving them financial disadvantage?
That is a different question to the one you asked which was do white people have advantages over black people.

That doesn’t say anything about distinguishing between non immigrant black people, it says nothing about centuries of oppression. That is in your head. How can you say I didn’t understand the question when this wasn’t the question you asked.

I am sorry but this is literally nuts.

Again this is the madness of politically correct religion. You are saying one thing and something different is going on in your head, It is impossible to talk rationally with such a person.

ok, I know not to talk with you again, at least that is some good that has come out of this discussion.

Regarding the question that was simple to understand that you actually didn’t ask then the following video is of interest to whoever is sane enough and honest enough to consider it.

silly, you wanted to know the answer. I treated the question seriously and gave you an answer. A clear answer. If you are not understanding it then it is also clear you are not wanting to understand it so out conversation will end right here and I will have to conclude you are more irrational than I had thought.
It wasn’t clear. I didn’t understand your point, either.
Impossibly to speak rationally? Sorry, friend, but you were the one with their knickers in a proverbial knot refusing to answer questions.

Do you believe racism doesn’t exist?
It wasn’t clear. I didn’t understand your point, either.
what didn’t you understamd?

that there are different ways to consider advantage?
that I decided to choose income as the example?
that any findings were going to be generalities?
that white people had higher income than blacks?
That Asians and certain Jews had higher income than whites?
That Nigerian immigrants had higher incomes than whites?
That taking income as an example that whites and other races had advantage over blacks?
That Nigerian immigrant blacks have advantage over whites?
That trying to include this as ‘white privilege’ without also talking about Asian privilege and Nigerian privilege is clearly wrong?

I mean it is all very simple., What is it that you don’t understand about the answer?
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Good. I don’t know anywhere it happens either. We have anti-discrimination laws to stop just that.
I mean pieces like this:

This clod has no idea what it’s like to be a poor white person. In fact, he’s pretty much a white minstrel show character pretending to play some unenlightened, uneducated rube from meth country. He’s about as authentically Southern as New England clam chowder and about as knowledgeable about the plight of low-income white people in the sticks as the son of a millionaire car dealership baron … which, as fate would have it, is precisely what Kid Rock actually is.

Stuff like this has been going on forever. Rich, elitist New Englander Rob Zombie stocks his movies with a rich panoply of trailer trash stereotypes, while the nominally-monikered “The Learning Channel” has made beaucoup bucks trotting out white trash stock character after white trash stock character on programs like Here Comes Honey Boo Boo and My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding. Maybe it’s some misguided romanticization of the lowest of the American proles or perhaps it’s a cruel and callous attempt to vicariously allow the well-offs to wallow in rural, economic misery for half an hour at a time. Either way, it’s shamelessly exploiting – and ultimately, dehumanizing – the millions of impoverished, non-urban white inhabitants of America, and for some rich-boy Michigander to come along and announce himself as an honorary poor honky who thinks he knows what’s legislatively best for the people he’s mocking, I can’t help but get a little irritated.

It is a term referring to white people who have failed to become privileged. Whether they are at fault for their economic situation or not, I’d point out that calling people “trash” because they lack education or money or even ambition is a sin. Criticize behavior, that can be admonishment of a sinner, but (a) don’t call anyone trash, because that is an insult to their Maker and Savior, and (b) don’t act as if everyone who is financially constrained to living in a manufactured home that couldn’t be called a “tiny house” deserves to be viewed with contempt.
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Good. I don’t know anywhere it happens either. We have anti-discrimination laws to stop just that.
I mean pieces like this:
Kid Rock Is An Insult To Poor White Trash Everywhere | Thought Catalog
This clod has no idea what it’s like to be a poor white person. In fact, he’s pretty much a white minstrel show character pretending to play some unenlightened, uneducated rube from meth country. He’s about as authentically Southern as New England clam chowder and about as knowledgeable about the plight of low-income white people in the sticks as the son of a millionaire car dealership baron … which, as fate would have it, is precisely what Kid Rock actually is.

Stuff like this has been going on forever. Rich, elitist New Englander Rob Zombie stocks his movies with a rich panoply of trailer trash stereotypes, while the nominally-monikered “The Learning Channel” has made beaucoup bucks trotting out white trash stock character after white trash stock character on programs like Here Comes Honey Boo Boo and My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding. Maybe it’s some misguided romanticization of the lowest of the American proles or perhaps it’s a cruel and callous attempt to vicariously allow the well-offs to wallow in rural, economic misery for half an hour at a time. Either way, it’s shamelessly exploiting – and ultimately, dehumanizing – the millions of impoverished, non-urban white inhabitants of America, and for some rich-boy Michigander to come along and announce himself as an honorary poor honky who thinks he knows what’s legislatively best for the people he’s mocking, I can’t help but get a little irritated.

It is a term referring to white people who have failed to become privileged. Whether they are at fault for their economic situation or not, I’d point out that calling people “trash” because they lack education or money or even ambition is a sin. Criticize behavior, that can be admonishment of a sinner, but (a) don’t call anyone trash and (b) don’t act as if everyone who is financially constrained to living in a manufactured home that couldn’t be called a “tiny house” deserves to be viewed with contempt.
I admit I don’t know much about Kid Rock, he’s not really my scene. I’ve read the article though and it seems like a good call out of him being a tool.
I admit I don’t know much about Kid Rock, he’s not really my scene. I’ve read the article though and it seems like a good call out of him being a tool.
I’m saying that it is hypocritical to sit still for a whole group of people to be called “trash” because that term is “allowed” for persons of their skin color. There is no class of people that ought to be referred to as trash. If there is going to be a blatantly racist term that somebody can still get by with, though, the ones that associate poverty, lack of education and lack of ambition with skin color are going to be it.

Picture it: someone wrote that piece referring to the poor people of a different ethnic group, and called them trash. It would not be tolerated. As you pointed out, though, it is finally dawning on people that this is also racism.
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I admit I don’t know much about Kid Rock, he’s not really my scene. I’ve read the article though and it seems like a good call out of him being a tool.
I’m saying that it is hypocritical to sit still for a whole group of people to be called “trash” because that term is “allowed” for persons of their skin color. There is no class of people that ought to be referred to as trash. If there is going to be a blatantly racist term that somebody can still get by with, though, the ones that associate poverty, lack of education and lack of ambition with skin color are going to be it.
I find that one a bit awkward. I wouldn’t refer to folks as such but I know others have “reclaimed” the word, and I wouldn’t tell them what they can and can’t call themselves.
I find that one a bit awkward. I wouldn’t refer to folks as such but I know others have “reclaimed” the word, and I wouldn’t tell them what they can and can’t call themselves.
Yes, and I know people who say that black persons are free to use the n-word, too. When it is used to refer to oneself…maybe. Maybe embracing a word coined out of contempt is a way to throw it in the face of those who use the word with contempt–kind of like Northerners embraced the word “Yankee.” OK on that. When word coined to express contempt is used to express contempt, I don’t buy it.

Is that really a tenable solution? I don’t think so, particularly not when the people using it are using those terms to talk about other people with contempt and getting away with it because the contempt is expressed towards people whose skin color matches theirs.

Why should it be OK to perpetuate contempt towards other people, just so long as you seem to be saying that their condition or behavior is somehow an insult to your skin color?
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I find that one a bit awkward. I wouldn’t refer to folks as such but I know others have “reclaimed” the word, and I wouldn’t tell them what they can and can’t call themselves.
Yes, and I know people who say that black persons are free to use the n-word, too. When it is used in contempt, I don’t buy it.

Is that really a tenable solution? I don’t think so, particularly not when the people using it are using those terms to talk about other people with contempt and getting away with it because the contempt is expressed towards people whose skin color matches theirs.

Why should it be OK to perpetuate contempt towards other people, just so long as you seem to be saying that their condition is somehow an insult to your skin color?
I had a really good chat about this with a friend who uses the word “cripple” for herself. She finds strength in reclaiming the word and I say fair enough, but she agrees that it’s something she would only use for herself and others who are also okay with it. Reclaiming a word can only be done by those who the word applies to and they should only do it for themself.
As you say, simple question.

Are you transgender?

I’d like to know in the context of your conduct in the discussion regarding the politically correct victim groups,
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Tell you what; I’ll answer your simple question when you’ve answered mine.

So; is racism real?
Are black people negatively impacted by it?
I had a really good chat about this with a friend who uses the word “cripple” for herself. She finds strength in reclaiming the word and I say fair enough, but she agrees that it’s something she would only use for herself and others who are also okay with it. Reclaiming a word can only be done by those who the word applies to and they should only do it for themself.
Yes–when Northerners embraced the word “Yankee,” it was like that.
(This is why the Oakland Athletics have the little white elephant on their team emblem–someone insulted the team as a bunch of white elephants and the team ran with it).

People calling the President’s supporters white trash are not doing that. They are guilty of racism, because the term “white trash” is an expression of contempt based on ethnicity.

Whites who aren’t privileged do suffer from racial stereotyping, the stereotyping that says if you are white and not privileged, it is your fault because you should have worked to become better. The truth is that there are whites who have been kept down by wealthier whites across the same time frame as blacks were kept down. Some were able to break free of their circumstances, but they had to “pass” as not being from those circumstances (by changing their dialect, for instance).
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