If the magisterium has taught only in general guidelines, then Catholics in good faith may disagree on the specifics. However, if the magisterium has proclaimed specific teaching on an issue, then Catholics can no longer disagree and remain in good faith.
that is correct in os far as it applies to faith and morals. The faith an morals issue is that we have a moral duty to support the poor and the marginalized. Your example of birth control doesn’t apply, as all birth control is immoral, and has been so since the beginning fo the Church.
You are confusing a specific moral teaching with the practical application in economics. The Chruch is not infallible when it teaches that, on a specific tax issue, the bishops say that we must pay more taxes. We do have a moral duty to support the poor, and if we are not going to pay more taxes, then we have a moral duty to support them by some other means - increasing donative moneys, cutting other programs so the poor are not harmed more than their current position, creating job programs so the poor who can work have an opportunity in times of high unemployment, providing daycare to mothers so they can go to work (they suffer from the high costs of daycare - when you make less working because of daycare costs than staying at home on welfare, you stay home), working to make sure that there are just laws concerning child support and it is well inforced; the list goes on.
Where conservatives often fail in the tax issue is that they do not come up with programs to replace the revenue needed to take care of the poor.
Where liberals fail is in the creation of programs for the poor which create more problems than they solve. A prime example was the payments to women and children; it required that no husband be present. It is creditred with part of the breakdown in the family structure among the poor.
Oregon has a tax on the sale of a business. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Washington doesn’t have the tax. Guess what? People move to Washington when they go to sell the business. Higher taxes have the same effect elsewhere.
When the economy is down, there are fewer tax revenues. and governements do the same thing that all to many individuals and families do: when they have less, they spend less. They also do the same thing as too many families and indifviduals do when things are good and revenues higher; instead of saving for the bad times, they spend more. Then the bad times roll around again, and everyone ends up in the tank.