Haven’t you said the National Catholic Reporter is not a fair & balanced source of Catholic news?
Overall, they certainly tend to slant left. Although I haven’t found a balanced source for Catholic News… do you have one to recommend?
Why don’t you start a “fair & balanced source of Catholic news,” and then when you begin being attacked for clarifying Catholic doctrine with respect to any of those stories or issues you can come back and tell us of your experiences?
What precisely is “a fair & balanced source of Catholic news” that would not report what is both Catholic and news?
The problem is that
news is largely going to involve issues and events that expose left-right lines of social, moral and political thought, and that ‘Catholic’ – if you are going to respect established Church teaching on such political and moral issues – you will have to be “partisan” in merely reporting the ‘Catholic’ aspect or viewpoint on those events and issues.
The problem isn’t the partisanship so much as the lack of clarity of many Catholics on those issues along with the unwillingness of many (both in the hierarchy and laity) to hold uncompromising Catholic positions on those issues for fear of alienating someone or other.
Being blithely neutral on significant issues so as not to upset someone isn’t being Catholic. Jesus was
crucified, not because he tried to have everyone like him or that he tried to get along with everyone. He was crucified because he held uncompromising moral and theological stances on
every issue.
The problem today is the lack of moral mettle amongst believers because the culture moulding social activists will try to destroy anyone who doesn’t lip synch with the latest politically correct proclamation.
Many Catholics are scrambling to reconcile their beliefs with the social situation they find themselves in. Often that involves finding other Catholics who have verbalized what appears to be a reasonable rationalization of how to do so.
Unfortunately, that tribalization within Catholicism is now becoming an internal civil war. That isn’t because of Catholic orthodoxy so much as the stresses individuals have trying to cope with and fit into an increasingly antagonistic secular society.
Perhaps the solution for all of us is to become …
- far more and better informed on true Catholic doctrine guided by the Holy Spirit and Church teaching,
- far more courageous and uncompromising in our commitment to the truth of the teaching, and
- be far more calm, respectful, clear and courageous in our stating the truth when asked.