Re: Youth Director is an Unwed Mother

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I have always personally had a problem with young single men or women being youth leaders at all. I am not sure they are the most qualified to guide and direct young people through a formative time when they themselves have not yet been formed. I don’t know. I could be wrong on this.
I need some advice, please. It’s recently become apparent that our youth minister is expecting a baby. She is not married. She has not acknowledged this to either the youth group or parents, but it can no longer be denied. There have been no plans announced for her to either take a leave of absence, or relinquish her leadership position.

Naturally, the kids (high school and middle school) are disturbed about the situation. I’ve had several talks with my 15 yo daughter about the leader’s bravery in bearing the child, the correctness of that decision, and the consequences of not living a chaste life.

But am I wrong to expect that we should have a better model of Catholic teaching in our youth leadership role? I plan to address my questions to our priests and DRE, but want some feedback from you first. What would you do?:hmmm:
**How long has this young woman been the youth group leader? did everyone like her before this? I would be extremely careful in all of this…perhaps she maybe putting the child up for adoption? You say you don’t think she’s been raped but you don’t know that for sure.

I have always personally had a problem with young single men or women being youth leaders at all. I am not sure they are the most qualified to guide and direct young people through a formative time when they themselves have not yet been formed. I don’t know. I could be wrong on this.
I think that this depends on the age of the youth group leader and whether or not they’ve gotten a Theology degree with a Youth Minister concentration…

I think that a college degree in that area is essential to being one. You can’t defend church teaching if you don’t know the Theology behind it. But i do agree that someone who has no training and is unmarried and young will have a hard time being a “good” youth leader.

Gosh, if everyone who sins is barred from volunteering at the Parish, I think the volunteer pool will dry up!
Gosh, if everyone who sins is barred from volunteering at the Parish, I think the volunteer pool will dry up!
Let her volunteer for something else, she can give her time in many useful ways. She’s just not qualified to be a youth director, where the main thrust and focus of the position is providing a positive example for youth.
Would anyone have the same concern if a single, never been married, brand new parent was just hired as a youth leader at the parish (male or female)? Why?
Absolutely! I would wonder why the Church didn’t hire a more exemplery role model for that position. It would be the same as hiring a bookeeper who was poor at Math. Why would anyone do that? It doesn’t make sense.

A youth leader should, above all things, be a positive role model, and unwed parenthood is a definate disqualifier. It’s the same thing as the FBI. They won’t hire anyone who even smoked pot once in their youth. It permanently disqualifies them.
I think there’s a middle ground to be found here. I think it’s a horrible idea to keep the woman on right now because of the risk of scandal - sure, some people might get the impression that letting people know about a pregnancy is worse than ending it, but others might get opposite types of impressions. For example, “I doubt she got pregnant the only time she ever had sex, so why is it that it’s only wrong once you get caught?” or “She’s only saying it’s wrong because she’s in trouble but she didn’t have a problem with it while it was happening,” or “If she’s really been doing this gravely immoral thing, what other things that are supposedly wrong can we do as long as we don’t get caught?” or flat out “Hypocrite.”

I wouldn’t totally rule out her ever returning to a ministry position of some sort, but it would have to be after a sufficient enough cooling off period (years) for her to have reformed her life, be sincere in her conversion and credible as a teacher, and the initial scandal to have worn off. That would probably involve ministry at a different parish, just to be safe. There is still a risk of scandal to be weighed, but being a single mother doesn’t automatically mean sex before marriage (it would be charitable to assume her spouse has either died or left her, as that wouldn’t necessitate wrongdoing on her part), whereas at the moment it is clear that this baby could only have come about immorally.
Let her volunteer for something else, she can give her time in many useful ways. She’s just not qualified to be a youth director, where the main thrust and focus of the position is providing a positive example for youth.
I think directing her into other avenues of contribution in the parish would be a good way of showing that the repentant are welcome and can fully participate in the life of the Church while still avoiding setting a scandalous example.
I have always personally had a problem with young single men or women being youth leaders at all. I am not sure they are the most qualified to guide and direct young people through a formative time when they themselves have not yet been formed. I don’t know. I could be wrong on this.
I think that this depends on the age of the youth group leader and whether or not they’ve gotten a Theology degree with a Youth Minister concentration…

I think that a college degree in that area is essential to being one. You can’t defend church teaching if you don’t know the Theology behind it. But i do agree that someone who has no training and is unmarried and young will have a hard time being a “good” youth leader.

Oh my goodness!!! Just because someone is “unmarried” (can we please use the word SINGLE instead? Single is an actual vocation, its not the LACK of another vocation). It does not mean they are in a “formative” time. Marriage does not just transform someone into being able to teach and minister to high school youth. In fact, the hours and nature of the job is difficult on marriages, the actual job could possibly be arguably better suited for single folks. I was a youth minister right out of college. My parish emmersed me in training opportunities and mentoring. You don’t need a theology degree to be a youth minister, its better to have a business degree, and take a theo course or 2.

I self-studied, and went to advanced youth ministry training …through Lifeteen/steubenville (no LT liturgy arguments please). Which just drowned us in all sorts of practical/theology topics.

Even the idea of small chance of scandal should be avoided. It was mentioned (at this training) about 2 core members (young adults that help with youth ministry) were engaged…the girl lived with her family, the guy lived in the family’s guest house. The speaker referencing them testified to knowing they were chaste, but because of just the appearance of scandal with both having the same address, they asked them to refrain from ministry for the time being.

Scandal is huge. No one has mentioned yet about the fact that this girl hasn’t acknowledged this pregnancy with the youth or the parents. This fact alone should scream problems.
If she is living with a man she is not married to that should disqualify her for a youth nleadership position. If she is preganant but not livng with a man I think she should be allowed to stay on.

My opinion on this changed several years back when I was a counsleor at a CPC. A young lady came in and tested positive for pregnancy. Sje told me matter of fact the ws going to get an abortion. She calmy told me she was born again and did not have to qworry about hell and, heres the kicker, she was youth director iat her Church and all the kids looked up to her and she was not about to throw all that away. I am sure if she had chosen to have that child she would have been kicked out of her position. A child died beacues of this.
If she is living with a man she is not married to that should disqualify her for a youth nleadership position. If she is preganant but not livng with a man I think she should be allowed to stay on.

My opinion on this changed several years back when I was a counsleor at a CPC. A young lady came in and tested positive for pregnancy. Sje told me matter of fact the ws going to get an abortion. She calmy told me she was born again and did not have to qworry about hell and, heres the kicker, she was youth director iat her Church and all the kids looked up to her and she was not about to throw all that away. I am sure if she had chosen to have that child she would have been kicked out of her position. A child died beacues of this.
But she’s obviously showing so I doubt she’s at risk for an abortion. This isn’t about her - it’s about the impressionable kids that she is in charge of. THEY would be the ones who would be scandalized by knowing that their youth leader who tells them that they should wait for marriage to have sex, obviously doesn’t really believe that.
Perhaps she had realized her wrong doing and has gone to confession?

I’m sorry, but we are not responsible for a child’s death because we don’t want an unwed pregnant mother to be our child’s youth leader. The responsiblity for that abortion lies squarely on the shoulders of that young, hypocritical woman. I refuse to be blackmailed into compromising my standards.

I’ve found that alot in the pro-life community, incidentally. I’m involved in a pregnancy center, and I see alot of coddling of young pregnant women for the good intent of saving babies. That’s okay, to a certain extent, but it’s taking it to an absurd level to expect parents of youths to put up with this scandal from their child’s youth leader.
My view as a youth leader.

We are all sinners. (period) No one is perfect. Good luck finding someone for that job.
It is unfortunate that this young woman is pregnant and unwed.
We don’t know if it was sinful or not; Stop passing judgment.
Stop being her enemy and be her friend.

Yes, we all make mistakes and I personally would own up to them to the youth. They have to understand that we are not super human beings or Jesus freaks (as some of them would put it) but human beings just like them or anyone else. We make our mistakes, we ask for forgiveness, move on, and in the case of a youth minister; try to explain our faults and how to correct them.
It is all how you present it to them.

I believe God led me to the youth because I am faithful and loving; not because I am perceived as a good catholic to others.

Hired & paid? What if she is a volunteer like me?

God humble servant
John A.H.
Oh my goodness!!! Just because someone is “unmarried” (can we please use the word SINGLE instead? Single is an actual vocation, its not the LACK of another vocation). It does not mean they are in a “formative” time. Marriage does not just transform someone into being able to teach and minister to high school youth. In fact, the hours and nature of the job is difficult on marriages, the actual job could possibly be arguably better suited for single folks

**TO clarify i should of said youg (ie 18,19) and single doesn’t usually make for a good youth minister…I agree that it can be especially hard on married life especially since the pay is horrible…

.I was a youth minister right out of college. My parish emmersed me in training opportunities and mentoring. You don’t need a theology degree to be a youth minister, its better to have a business degree, and take a theo course or 2
I self-studied, and went to advanced youth ministry training …through Lifeteen/steubenville (no LT liturgy arguments please). Which just drowned us in all sorts of practical/theology topics.

**But the point is is that you did take some kind of courses…I am only refering to people who don’t and have no true understanding of Catholic theology…

Even the idea of small chance of scandal should be avoided. It was mentioned (at this training) about 2 core members (young adults that help with youth ministry) were engaged…the girl lived with her family, the guy lived in the family’s guest house. The speaker referencing them testified to knowing they were chaste, but because of just the appearance of scandal with both having the same address, they asked them to refrain from ministry for the time being.

Scandal is huge. No one has mentioned yet about the fact that this girl hasn’t acknowledged this pregnancy with the youth or the parents. This fact alone should scream problems.
Again are you sure she is pregnant, even before i ever had a child i used to look pregnant because i would always gain weight in my midsection/belly area ( i was only 110 pounds at the time). I remember in college there was one semester i gained about 10 pounds and people were always asking me if i was!!! Of course i wasn’t and it was embarassing!!!People gain weight differently…Especially if she only looks 3 or so months pregnant…
Does the youth program take a summer break anytime soon?

Yes, having a pregnant, unmarried youth leader is a case for scandal. But like it or not, if the parish fires this young woman now there will probably be a backlash scandal from those in the parish who think she should be regarded as a hero for having this baby. And then there are those outside of the parish…

It’s possible there may be some legal issues involved in getting rid of a woman because of pregnancy. Even if the Church ends up being in the right, the parish/diocese may not want any negative press.

It’s very possible she will be around another month or so and will then quietly disappear or move to a less public position.
Allow me some lee-way for an analogy. Not a perfect one, but same concept.

A politician is very publicly for abortion and has always voted as such. He has a sudden change of heart, deeply regrets all of his decisions, and goes to confession. The priest absolves him.

He then attends Mass. His receiving communion publicly is scandal to the church, because no one knows of his confession.It still carries the PUBLIC view…of understanding the Church. By him receiving communion, the church’s teachings are put to doubt.
(thoughts such as : the catholic church must think its ok to be for abortion because of this)

Please note the use of the word “public”. the reception of communion in private would be best for awhile until he no longer would scandalize the Church.

So, here we have this female pregnant unwed person in a leadership ministerial position in the church. To teenagers, this could be a show of “approval” by the Church of her actions.

Again, not a perfect analogy. I’m not talking about the girl receiving communion, but her reception is also not televised for the world.
For all who think she should be able to stay on as youth leader ~ would your opinion be different if she were a nun who wound up pregnant? Would you still say, we all make mistakes… so what if our parish’s youth is being led by a pregnant nun - that’s between her & God?

I am honestly curious.
For all who think she should be able to stay on as youth leader ~ would your opinion be different if she were a nun who wound up pregnant? Would you still say, we all make mistakes… so what if our parish’s youth is being led by a pregnant nun - that’s between her & God?

I am honestly curious.
personally, and this just may be me thinking wonderful things about the religious, I would assume she was raped. It wouldn’t even cross my mind that she had sex on purpose.
For all who think she should be able to stay on as youth leader ~ would your opinion be different if she were a nun who wound up pregnant? Would you still say, we all make mistakes… so what if our parish’s youth is being led by a pregnant nun - that’s between her & God?

I am honestly curious.
It is between her, her confessor, for a religious her superiors would be involved, and God. I would trust that the superiors would make the best decision.
Again are you sure she is pregnant, even before i ever had a child i used to look pregnant because i would always gain weight in my midsection/belly area ( i was only 110 pounds at the time). I remember in college there was one semester i gained about 10 pounds and people were always asking me if i was!!! Of course i wasn’t and it was embarassing!!!People gain weight differently…Especially if she only looks 3 or so months pregnant…
I agree that you may want to be sure that she is definitely pregnant. I know women who also gain most of their weight in their midsection, but are thin everywhere else. They look like they are in the early stages of pregnancy, but really aren’t. Also, I don’t know about the rest of the ladies, but many of my girlfriends and I have gone through a period between the ages of 22-25 when we gained weight because of the way our bodies were changing - meaning after everything “levelled off” and I was back to my 4/6 size, I suddenly got curves and wasn’t straight up and down. During this transitional stage, though, my mother was always asking me if I was pregnant - I was a virgin - but I guess she was just being a concerned mother.

Anyway, before assuming that she is pregnant and going to the priest, it might be better if you could talk to her one on one about it with compassion. She actually may not be pregnant. If she is pregnant, though, you could suggest that she speak with the priest regarding this for guidance on what she should do. Although, if you aren’t close to her, you may just have to leave it up to the descretion of your pastor and the pastoral council.
As far as her relationship with God and the forgiveness of sin, that should be a personal matter, I agree. As far as fitness for a particular post, such as one in which the primary duty is to morally guide our youth, the sinner is also accountable to the faith community.

There are certain sins that make one unfit for certain jobs. For instance, even a repentant child molester is still not fit to work with children. A medical professional who has diverted narcotics for personal use often has their license to practice suspended or revoked, even after they serve time in prison. An accountant who has been convicted of diverting client funds into their own accounts must not only go to prison, but also lose their ability to work in the field. Also, a Christian youth leader who fornicates and causes scandal should similarly be required to find another way to contribute to the Church. There are many other capacities in which to serve the Christian community.
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