And yet, if she received absolution for that sin, who are you or anyone else to treat her as if she had not?
You’re mixing your crimes with your mortal sins again. Besides, even if she got caught in any crime, one would have to wait until she was convicted.
Good question. How about that? How many RE leaders/instructors have had abortions or vasectomies or tubal ligations, but no one knows about it, of course, because their bodies don’t reveal it. Then again, what does it really matter if they have since repented of their sin, been absolved, and have indeed resolved to teach the Truth?
As is your prerogative. What about us parents? Do I need to be an impeccable role model in order to teach my children the faith? If so, my kids would have been taken from me years ago. But it is through my children that I came to see the errors of my way and the weakness in my catechesis. God used them to bring me closer to Him, but if He went by your guidelines I never would have experienced that.