many to most teens do not have parents exhibiting the faith nor teaching it.
Well those teens are lost anyway. The parents of those teens would either not consider anything wrong with the teacher leading the group or worse - they could use the situation to teach their children about how wrong the Catholic church is in insisting women bring every life into this world her body will crank out. I could easily hear the lecture such parents would give to the teens about how selfish the woman was to bring this life into the world when she has no means to give it what it deserves, or how scandal could have been avoided and she could have kept her job if only she had chosen the abortion. Her life is ruined now that she’s having a child.
please please please read my past posts…I have addressed many of these issues you raise.
I will do so. I thought I was addressing the comments of JLSacred and Carol Marie.
Repentance or not…there are consequences of sin. We have to live with our consequences…
Becoming a single mother
is the consequence, or carrying the child to term and having to hand him/her over to an adoption agency is the other. Is that not enough?
people are equating removal from a highly visible scandalous position with judgement of the soul. It is not the same thing by any means. It is about scandal.
I noted that earlier. I question however, whether rushing to judgement and casting her out is but a different type of scandal in that it misrepresents the teachings of the Church with regard to God’s mercy.
There are so many saints who lived sinful lives before God managed to turn them around. It seems more likely that God would use this woman’s mistake to bring her closer to Him than He would use the mistake to keep her from Him by asking the rest of the sheep to turn her away. Her role as youth leader may very well be the means by which He choses to do so. It wouldn’t be the first time He revealed His truth and love through children.
to the poster that says others are no better off than this girl if i’ve EVER done sinful things… that is not necessarily true. This girl is at most 8-9 months removed from the sin. Others may have done their share of sexual deviency, but been 5-10 years removed…had time to form their will, their conscience, seek healing, be able to look back and learn.
I beg to differ. There are enough EMHCs I know who practice ABC even during their ministry. They are of the thought that family planning is between them and God, not between them and the Church. They honestly do not believe they are sinning and therefore believe they are worthy to help distribute the Eucharist. Besides, no one knows who’s a slave to pornography or masturbation and based on posts in this very forum apparently that nasty habit is quite pervasive.
As I said before…a single young pregnant woman is hardly the most stable and healthiest situation to be in a moral and faith leadership role. again, as I said before,…this might not mean forever…but for now.
There are some people that should be in ministry and some people that shouldn’t. Ministry is not a right.
On this, I see your point. Perhaps it would be wise for the woman to remove herself from her duties to allow ample time to reflect on what has transpired and how that might influence what and how she leads these teens.
However, God uses the lay ministry to bring people closer to Him. He has often chosen the unworthy to assume leadership roles within His church, as the one poster already noted Peter as the prime example (there are many other saints we can look to).
God moves us to volunteer in lay ministry roles. We respond even when we don’t believe we have the skills or are even worthy. What happens to us once we begin our ministry can be transforming. It was for me. When I began my volunteer work I was more pro-choice than pro-life, but through my time spent with other lay ministers and various church programs God revealed the Truth about all that to me and I was changed. These teens the woman will lead may very well be how God chooses to change her heart. We have no idea what God’s plan is.
Bottom line, it’s HIS Church. Leave it between the woman and the priest (His representative) to help discern how God wishes to use this situation to reveal His truth - either to her or to her
and the teens.