As my Baptist friend always tells me, “Nothing can be confirmed without two or more witnesses!”
Jesus refers to his body as food twelve times in John 6 alone,(“my body, my flesh, I am…,” That’s twelve witnesses. He refers to his blood as drink four times. That’s four witnesses. "So Jesus said to them, "Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you."John 6:53 NRSV
Keep in mind, Jesus fed 5,000 people then walked on water in this one chapter before going to his discourse on what truly gives us life.
Many disciples complained because of what Jesus said, they were clearly offended, he completes his discourse by fortelling his ascension to heaven, the uselessness of “the” flesh(no longer talking about himself), and the coming of the Holy Spirit.
They saw these OTHER things and believed. "Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.” John 20:29 NRSV
It takes faith to believe.
I once did not believe in the “real presence” even though I was raised Catholic. I once believed that John 6:63 negated the literal interpretation of Jesus’ Bread of Life discourse, my private interpretation. I was preparing to leave the Roman Catholic Church to join a Baptist Congregation. Then late one night I was reading the Gospel of John, chapter six, thinking that I already knew what this meant. There was a slight tap on my shoulder and I sensed a finger pointing to verse 63 and I realized that the Holy Spirit gives life, “my” flesh is useless.
That was two years ago. My life went into a tailspin. Although I thought that many of the teachings of the Church were absurd there was no doubt in my mind and heart that the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ was fully present in the Eucharist.
Most Catholics don’t fully understand the ramifications of taking Christ’s physical body into our own. As the royal priesthood we partake of the Lamb. As Psalm 16:5 states “The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot.”
We can be literally raptured every time we partake. It is an ecstasy that my human body can barely contain. I sometimes find myself asking Jesus to ease up because of the Sacrament’s intensity. I pray that others come to know Jesus as I now do.
I am now fully reconciled to the Church. Praise be to God!