Spokenword, your posts remind me of the bumper sticker that says “you’re just jealous because the voices speak to me.” You are very sure of your beliefs and that is a good thing. We need confidence to fight the good fight. You are so sure that your interpretation is the correct one, and we, Catholics, of course are misguided by a church that is of only human creation. You say that no man has taught you what you hold so profoundly to be true. So, is your understanding infallible? And if it is not, then your confidence is based on what is taught to you by man, your own conscience and understanding. Would the Holy Spirit mislead you? That is the quandry for Christians. You have accepted your own understanding because you were “led” by the Holy Spirit to it, we have accepted the understanding of our church because we believe the Holy Spirit has led it from the beginning.Who is right? I had a similar experience to that of MarcAnthonyCozy. Was our being touched by the Spirit any less valid than yours? We can go back and forth but when we rely on our experiences alone, we can be easily fooled. I don’t denigrate in any way that you are happy and secure in your beliefs, I am just saying that the people who died in Jonestown, Guyana and under similar circumstances believed that they too had the true and correct understanding of Scripture.You say that the disciples left but the Apostles remained because they saw things spiritually. That is not exactly right. They had no idea what Jesus was about. They saw things and believed but had questions, doubts and fears, as we all do.They believed that He was going to establish His Kingdom in their lifetimes. It wasn’t until the Holy Spirit descended on Pentecost that they knew their mission. And in case it hasn’t occured to you, the Holy Spirit didn’t descend and reveal all to everyone. The Apostles had to go about teaching the Good News and even had to work out what exactly the Good News was and how to live it. So you see, if it is true that we are all to trust ourselves to understand the Good News, then we would have no need of the Bible, ministers, theologians or even each other for the Holy Spirit would just reveal the same Good News to each of us and we would live happily everafter.