The message needs to be told that the police are not out to get black people. The statistics and the facts don’t show a national problem of police out to kill black people.
I think that BLM will not allow their followers to listen to this, and if they do listen, BLM will not allow them to believe it.
My husband pointed out yesterday that during Pres. Trump’s administration, there have only been 10 black men kill by police (not by a knee on the neck, BTW). Unemployment among blacks has been less than anytime in history, and the wages earned by blacks have been the highest in history.
In other words, under Pres. Trump’s watch, things have been really good for black people. (actually, for all people).
But Pres. Trump is hated by Democrats and other ultra-liberal organizations like BLM. These organizations want a heavy-handed government that controls everything, including how people think.
I don’t think that Mr. Floyd was killed in a deliberate plot to undermine the conservatives and Pres. Trump–although it’s tempting to give way to that idea. I do think that BLM has seized the opportunity and has run a super marathon with it, pushing their agenda of total government control.
At our “peaceful” rally in our city yesterday, over and over and OVER again, we heard chilling words to the effect that “EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE.” There were speeches about a total overhaul of our government, our laws, our systems (after all, the problem is “systemic racism”).
Like sheep, the people were cheering along with these speeches, while back at home, my husband and I discussed getting guns, me getting a gun permit card, and both of us signing up for shooting class at a local gun center. We are scared. We trust in God and recognize that this earth is not our permanent home. But we hate to see the end of the United States of America and spend our senior years living under a totalitarian regime that attempts to control every aspect of our lives, including our very thoughts. The “Shelter In Place” policies of the last few months have given us a taste of what our lives could be like if BLM has its way.
Just imagine the teaching of children by teachers ended, replaced with a nationwide online program of teaching/indoctrination with supposedly anti-racist ideals taught by a select group of skilled brainwashers. Do not laugh–this is what happened in Germany during the Nazi regime–children were educated in Nazi ideology and were encouraged to turn their parents in for any subversive thinking. The nation under Hitler created demon children who knew no other way of thinking but Nazism. To this day, some of those children who are still alive (and old!) STILL defend the Germany of their childhood years. (I just finished watching a documentary about this.)
I was hopeful that during the last week, we were getting the impression of overthrow of the government because of the media’s slanted presentations. But seeing it in person in our own city has been a wake-up call for both of us. We are scared and grieved by what we saw and heard last night.