I think you were right to say that “eliminating private gun ownership isn’t going to happen in the US.” This is so true that whether or not it is “the problem” is almost a moot question.It will happen because cowards always kneel to the mob.
We are the most heavily-armed private citizenry in the history of the world, with more than one firearm per adult. (Actually, I think it is up to more than one per person, regardless of age, but no matter, as slightly less than half of households have a gun.) We have been wary about having our guns taken away by the government since before we formed our government. I will not live to see the day when Americans give up all their guns. We will be the last large nation to do it, count on that.
This makes our task of protecting our people in law enforcement all the more difficult. It is the path we have chosen, though. A lot of people who work in law enforcement agree with private gun ownership in spite of the problems that this poses, though, so at least there is that. We have teachers who want students who can speak up and say what they think, too, in spite of the discipline problems that adds. Would we really want the alternative? If the people directly doing the work most impacted by greater freedoms in the people say “no, do not restrict these freedoms” maybe we ought to listen to them.
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