It has been my experience that the most pious and devotional are also the best at “social-justice”. They are the ones feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick, and standing up for the un-born and the elderly."Instead we see a very heavy stress on older forms of piety or devotionalism or mass displays of Catholic numbers. This seems to reflect a return to the old ghetto strategy, of circling the wagons in a hostile world, combined with a heavy stress on Church authority…“This cleavage is reflected at many levels of the Church, and even in Rome. Debate revolves around the interpretation of [the Second Vatican Council’s Pastoral Constitution on] The Church in the Modern World and the social encyclicals, which are generally ignored or down-played by the conservative wings, except for the morals of sexuality and family life,” Fr Duncan asserts.
On the other hand, the heavy promoters of “social-justice” seem to do more talking than walking.