Report: In 353 US Counties, 1.8 Million More Voters Than Eligible Citizens

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What’s your source for this statement?

I gave you my source, the US census bureau
I am looking at Info please and Vermont’s own local reports on population.

Where is some of the influx population increase coming from, it is immigration just like the other states.
  • In 2018, 30,813 immigrants (foreign-born individuals) comprised 5 percent of the population.
  • Vermont was home to 15,768 women, 12,388 men, and 2,657 children who were immigrants.
  • The top countries of origin for immigrants were Canada (20 percent of immigrants), Nepal (7 percent), Jamaica (6 percent), the Philippines (6 percent), and Bosnia and Herzegovina (5 percent).
  • In 2018, 39,080 people in Vermont (6 percent of the state’s population) were native-born Americans who had at least one immigrant parent.
You are taking this 520,000 voter registration number out of a population of 629,000 million
I don’t understand what you are saying
The latest population figure is (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

You are claiming that there are 520,000 registered voters in Vermont when we know as a fact that everyone over age 18 does not register to vote…
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You are claiming that there are 520,000 registered voters in Vermont
How many times do we have to point out that it is the State of Vermont that keeps the registration numbers, not anyone here on CAF. Contact the state, tell them they’re wrong, and provide your proof.
You are claiming that there are 520,000 registered voters in Vermont
How many times do we have to point out that it is the State of Vermont that keeps the registration numbers, not anyone here on CAF. Contact the state, tell them they’re wrong, and provide your proof.
Give me a source that the state is claiming that number. Yes articles can be written and outrageous numbers can be published but they are not facts.
Give me a source that the state is claiming that number. Yes articles can be written and outrageous numbers can be published but they are not facts.
Why, certainly, gam197. Since you ask so nicely, I’ll be happy to:
Notice that this is the website of the Vermont Secretary of State. This page contains voter registration requirements and, if you’ll be so kind as to scroll down to the bottom of the page, the number of registered voters as of October 31, 2020. 502,607 – the same number I first quoted in post #3.

You’re welcome.

(BTW, it took me less than 1 minute to find this with a google search the other day.)
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(BTW, it took me less than 1 minute to find this with a google search the other day.)
Yes I already saw this but Democrat Vermont did universal voting this year for the first time so if you had an address in Vermont, you got a ballot.

They were automatically registered just by having an address. Is it legal? Are these all actual voters, Are they dead. I have no idea. A lot of strange things went on this year as in other states.

There is a lawsuit pending on this and it is being challenged in the courts. Democrat state cannot just change to the universal ballot. They have legislature and people vote on this.
Vermont is one of several states considering implementing a vote-by-mail system in response to COVID-19. And it has fueled a rather spirited debate here. This hour, we take a look at both sides, and hear your comments and questions.

And you may think well it is Vermont and they are democrats so that is what they will do. That is not so.

We can see from Massachusetts who tried to pass voting rank choice voting that the voters rejected it by 10 percent.
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Yes I already saw this but Democrat Vermont did universal voting this year for the first time so if you had an address in Vermont, you got a ballot.

They were automatically registered just by having an address. Is it legal? Are these all actual voters, Are they dead. I have no idea. A lot of strange things went on this year as in other states.

There is a lawsuit pending on this
Here is the official Vermont voter turnout report from the Vermont Secretary of State office

Click on the link that says
“2020 general election voter turnout”
It will link you to their voter turnout report. (It is a PDF file. My phone is not allowing me to post it directly)

Scroll all the way to the bottom
On 11/3/2020 for the 2020 general election Vermont had:
506,312 registered voters
Of those registered voters:
370,968 casted votes in the election
This gave Vermont a voter turnout of 73.27%
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Here is the official Vermont voter turnout report from the Vermont Secretary of State office

Click on the link that says
“2020 general election voter turnout”
It will link you to their voter turnout report. (It is a PDF file. My phone is not allowing me to post it directly)

Scroll all the way to the bottom
On 11/3/2020 for the 2020 general election Vermont had:
506,312 registered voter
Of those registered voters:
370,968 casted votes in in the election
This gave Vermont a voter turnout of 73.27%
Again they changed the way the state votes and went to universal voting this year which means that everyone got a ballot even if dead, or left the state. There is no accuracy in these numbers in 2020.

A lawsuit is pending on whether the state has the right to change the whole system of voting without a ballot question and popular vote. I am sure the courts will see this case. Democrat controlled states cannot just change to universal balloting because they want to. They can’t just register every citizen. They do have citizens who vote on ballot options.

Again don’t assume that Democrat Vermont will get universal voting, Democrat Massachusetts tried to pass rank voting and the citizens rejected it by 10 percent.

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Yes I already saw this
Then why did you demand a source?
if you had an address in Vermont, you got a ballot.
No, you got a ballot if you’re an “active, registered voter.” And if you do qualify for Automatic Voter Registration, you have the ability to opt out.
Is it legal?
The law was passed by the state legislature (with only one “no” vote), and signed into law by the governor. Anybody who wanted to try to overturn it has had plenty of time to try.
There is a lawsuit pending on this
There are lots of lawsuits pending on lots of things. Until they’re adjudicated, the mere fact of a suit being filed means exactly zero.
Yes I already saw this
Then why did you demand a source?
Because I was not going to give you all of the info.
if you had an address in Vermont, you got a ballot.
No, you got a ballot if you’re an “active, registered voter.” And if you do qualify for Automatic Voter Registration, you have the ability to opt out.
When you read about universal voting. this is what they state, quote-.

" The government should not only facilitate registration; it should actively register adults who are eligible to vote as part of its responsibility to have accurate rolls. 100% voter registration should be the goal."

That is what I am alluding to. Vermont took a roll in active registration. That is why these numbers changed so dramatically this year. And that is why there would be 84 % percent voter turnout if the state had not changed/fudged its numbers.
Is it legal?
The law was passed by the state legislature (with only one “no” vote), and signed into law by the governor. Anybody who wanted to try to overturn it has had plenty of time to try.
Yet citizens in the state have filed a lawsuit questioning the legality of it. Maybe it has to be by ballot
Again I hope the courts take this up and clear this up because Democratic states cannot just change to universal voting, they do have citizens who want a say in such changes.

Which brings up the issue of what actually is fair in universal voting?

Here is the site

Again people think it is Vermont and they go for anything but not so. They are probably one of the most radical on gun laws. They have open carry without a permit.
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And that is why there would be 84 % percent voter turnout if the state had not changed/fudged its numbers
Can you direct me to your source that says Vermont had a 84% voter turnout. Their secretary of state office is saying they had 73.27%
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They were automatically registered just by having an address.
That’s false. They are automatically registered when they are having certain services done, such as renewing their license at the DMV or from interactions with other government offices unless they opt out. Automatical registration started in 2017. If a person has not visited such an office to engage in a service that results in registration, they could have an address and an ID with that address but potentially not be automatically registered.
Is it legal?
It is up to each state to manage its own registration policy.
I have no idea.
That puts you in a position of not being able to challenge it. To argue otherwise based on what one does not know is “an argument from ignorence,” which is considered a faulty way of making conclusions.
Can you direct me to your source that says Vermont had a 84% voter turnout. Their secretary of state office is saying they had 73.27%
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.) 403,000 of 100% of reg, voters then

338,000 (2020 presidential election vote) divided by 403,000. =

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Now I know that your argument is that voter registration went through the rails because of UNIVERSAL Mail voting which makes the figure look in line but what happens in four year when voters do not get a mail-in ballot.

If their new figure is 520,000, what will happen in four years if only 274,000 registered voters vote? .
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You keep using a fake number of voter registrations. 338000 votes out of 520,000 registered voters is not 83.9%.
You keep using a fake number of voter registrations. 338000 votes out of 520,000 registered voters is not 83.9%.
Never said it was. Please read the post. The 338,000 are the number of registered voters who voted this year. I am basing it on prior election year vote percentages which there are lots of.

You see not much changes in Vermont. Normal voting years are 260,000 - 300,000 so what happens in 2024 if they keep 520,000. and get low turnout, will that mean only 50% voted.(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
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338,000 (2020 presidential election vote) divided by 403,000. =
Now I know that your argument is that voter registration went through the rails because of UNIVERSAL Mail voting which makes the figure look in line but what happens in four year when voters do not get a mail-in ballot.

If their new figure is 520,000, what will happen in four years if only 274,000 registered voters vote
I don’t know where in the world you are getting your figures.

The Vermont secretary of state office has told us exactly how many people are on their voter registration roles and how many of those people voted in the election in that state
On 11/3/2020 for the 2020 general election Vermont had:
506,312 registered voters
Of those registered voters:
370,968 casted votes in the election
This gave Vermont a voter turnout of 73.27%
Vermont has 506,312 registered voter on their registration roles? Where are you getting the figure 520000?

They also had 370,968 people cast votes in the election

370968/506312*100= 73.27%
I don’t know where in the world you are getting your figures.

The Vermont secretary of state office has told us exactly how many people are on their voter registration roles and how many of those people voted in the election in that state
Yes this has been discussed over and over. In only this election cycle, they went to Universal voting and sent ballots to everyone in the state dead or alive and up their rates of registrations supposedly to 520,000 registered voters but what does that even mean.

Remember there are only 623,000 in the state and yes some are children.

Wikipedia is reporting in 2016 that Vermont vote was 278,000 and the voter turnout was 67.95 which is probably pretty accurate… It has been the same rate of turnout forever.
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to everyone in the state dead or alive and up their rates of registrations supposedly to 520,000 registered voters
They dont have 520000 registered voters, specifically from the secretary of state’s report they have 506,312 registered voters.
Wikipedia is reporting in 2016 that Vermont vote was 278,000 and the voter turnout was 67.95 which is probably pretty accurate
The secretary of state office also addresses this.
The 2020 voter turnout is 73.27%

If the voter turnout in 2016 was 67.95% and the voter turnout for 2020 is 73.27%.

That is an difference in voter turnout of 5.32%. Does that seem excessive to you?
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