Republicans sue to toss out legally-cast ballots

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Denial isn’t a virtue. But it doesn’t matter anyway because Trump’s going to win.
It was peaceful though. Don’t forget peaceful was redefined by the democrats.
We’ll, if you can agree with a republican you can vote for one !

It was peaceful though. Don’t forget peaceful was redefined by the democrats.
Hardly. Have you watched those videos of Republicans physically preventing votes from being counted in Florida in 2000? If that isn’t violence I don’t know what is.
It is clear that the violence is one-sided. The Democrats are the ones burning down society, shutting down free speech, killing and destroying children. . . .
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I feel like you are pulling my leg.

I wrote this makes the Rs look bad. You replied “only to non-Republicans,” as if all Republicans would be ok with this type of tactic.

I guess that means that Democrats would never think anything another Democrat did makes the Democrats look bad?
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wrote this makes the Rs look bad. You replied “only to non-Republicans,” as if all Republicans would be ok with this type of tactic.
guess that means that Democrats would never think anything another Democrat did makes the Democrats look bad?
I’m just opining about Republicans. Democrats seem more diverse, so I’m not sure.
Not familiar with it. Back then I didn’t follow the news much. I would have voted Democrat back then as well. To this day I think I was living in the best of times during Bill Clinton’s second term.
So you were insulting all Republicans. Thank you for clarifying that.
I have not noticed any Republican or Trump supporter say anything negative about these recent voter suppression activities. In fact, many are vociferous supporters.
At the time you wrote your remark, there had been 17 comments. Hastily generalize much?
Why don’t Republicans want people to vote?
Every Republican knows that the majority of Americans reject their party…every Republican knows that the majority of law abiding Americans are not Republicans…every Republican knows that they will not win the popular vote…and now with the entire party bending the knee to Trump and justifying / defending / lauding his every whim for 4 years, I think many Republicans know, that they’ve lost many potential “converts” for years or even decades to go… Any goodwill they had, any chance they had to sway young people or minorities, went out the door with Trump.
Now to be clear, I think the Democrat Party has gotten into bed with the Devil…abortion, gender fluidity rubbish, etc., is truly diabolical…BUT, that doesn’t change the fact that the Republican Party has shot itself in the foot by making Trump THE “poster boy” of the conservative cause. Biggest. Mistake. Ever.
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I wouldn’t say Trump has been made the “poster boy”
of the conservative cause.

He has shown courage in standing up to the bullies, to
the left, to the liberals, and progressives. He has brought to light how dishonest and corrupt the democrat party is.

He is standing up for all Americans. His actions speak for themselves in what he has accomplished.

Biden would not have handled the pandemic better than Trump. He boasts about what should have been done. I proclaim he would not have closed the borders
as promptly as Trump did.

I will wait to get the full story on curbside voting.
Even if you’re right…Trump is perceived as a fascist monster by many. It doesn’t really matter if that’s not objectively true…I feel like a lot of Trump supporters / Republicans just don’t seem to care that so many millions of American, the majority in fact, are turned off by Trump. That should matter. Even if he’s the greatest president who ever governed the USA…even if he’s a saint (obviously he’s not but just saying), it should matter that most people don’t see him that way. Its not just about winning an election…it SHOULD be about winning souls. If the goal is to convince the majority of society that abortion is evil…if the goal is to convince most people that socialism is not the way to go…then Trump was a bad choice as a “PR rep”. That’s all I’m saying.

“Trump fights back”, “Trump is bold”…that’s what I keep hearing. I say that DOESN’T MATTER. Winning one or two elections doesn’t matter in the long run. All that matters is winning souls…converting hearts…convincing people that abortion is evil…convincing people of a better way. Trump is not the man to do that. He’s turning people away.
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I would rather Harris be in the situation room than someone with a deteriorating mental capacity.
This continues to be presented as if somehow Trump has a greater mental capacity. I remind you that on this issue, there has never been any testing to make a comparison. If there were, I would put my money on Biden being the sharper of the two.
. Both Clinton and the party wanted to " shatter that glass ceiling" as Clinton put it. She couldn’t even concede the night she lost. Sending Podesta out to do it. What’s that all about ? Was she an emotional train wreck ? If so, thank goodness she lost.
Do you know how misogynistic this sounds?

This is a problem no matter who wins. Trump is only a few years younger and with a much greater BMI, worse diet, and was the last of the two to be hospitalized. I would say this is a flip of a coin who is most likely to die in office. But for me, this still goes to Trump, as he has Pence as a VP, which is a a better choice, again, in my opinion.
Hardly. Have you watched those videos of Republicans physically preventing votes from being counted in Florida in 2000? If that isn’t violence I don’t know what is.
They also physically stopped Biden from campaigning in Texas this week. No, I do not give either side the edge on who is most prone to violence. And Republicans that downplay this are no better in my book than the Democrats that downplay demonstrations that turn physical. They are part of the problem, including Trump, in this case.
Uhhh,noooo Not sure where you get your information.Your in Canada right?🤨
Doesn’t matter if the Russian times reported it, she let it slip.
I think this election is a matter of Trump vs Not Trump. I don’t think this “slip up” will raise much concern, as Harris is likely as good as not being Trump as Biden.
Oh, I am sure she would be better at not being Trump than even Biden.
I have not noticed any Republican or Trump supporter say anything negative about these recent voter suppression activities.
The article appears extremely biased.

I also see where it reported two different dates that the lawsuit was filed.

Unreliable as it is in disagreement with itself.
Untrusted as it is extremely biased.

So why should anyone make a comment one way or the other. It is rumor at best, calumny at worst.
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