Republicans sue to toss out legally-cast ballots

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Even if you’re right…Trump is perceived as a fascist monster by many. It doesn’t really matter if that’s not objectively true…I feel like a lot of Trump supporters / Republicans just don’t seem to care that so many millions of American, the majority in fact, are turned off by Trump. That should matter. Even if he’s the greatest president who ever governed the USA…even if he’s a saint (obviously he’s not but just saying), it should matter that most people don’t see him that way. Its not just about winning an election…it SHOULD be about winning souls. If the goal is to convince the majority of society that abortion is evil…if the goal is to convince most people that socialism is not the way to go…then Trump was a bad choice as a “PR rep”. That’s all I’m saying.

“Trump fights back”, “Trump is bold”…that’s what I keep hearing. I say that DOESN’T MATTER. Winning one or two elections doesn’t matter in the long run. All that matters is winning souls…converting hearts…convincing people that abortion is evil…convincing people of a better way. Trump is not the man to do that. He’s turning people away.
No, this is just the Democratic spiel that has gone on for decades and decades. I can make up some sort of discourse like this as well. Joe McCarthy went under, was it really the specter of McCarthyism? Or was it mudslinging on ol’ Joe? Most of his alarmism in fact panned out.

McCarthy revealed some truths, so this has gone on for a long time.

How intellectual “Oh, he’s perceived as a fascist by many”
This continues to be presented as if somehow Trump has a greater mental capacity. I remind you that on this issue, there has never been any testing to make a comparison. If there were, I would put my money on Biden being the sharper of the two
Right, and I would think this would be one more reason to pick Trump. This kind of reply is expected.

“Trump towards the bottom for religious liberty”, words to that effect. We need to remember when it seems we have some who just denigrate almost exclusively Trump. See the record of these kinds of remarks.

That we even have a party that is certainly sticking up for INFANTICIDE in parts but the criticisms are about other things in itself is revealing.

Trump has certainly stood up for Catholic religious freedom, when some make statements that just seem to have no basis, I would discard them totally. I’d consider the lack of back up. I’d reject such statements which are also just ad homs.

Do not be deceived.

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Do not be deceived.

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From Exodus 20
You shall have no other gods before me.

4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
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Exactly.Im hopefully optimistic but very nervous at the same time
Aren’t we all, Jeanne, aren’t we all…
I don’t trust the polls in any way shape or form this time around.

Trump will win unless the dems find a way to cheat.
Well, maybe you’re going to be surprised.
But I truly believe that if it were in person voting only, by 10 or 11 pm EST. tomorrow night Trump would have it sewed up.
Hmmm, if only we restricted how people could vote, we’d win.

Yeah, that’s democracy in action.
Yea, Trump is going to win imo … No doubts at all
Good luck with that.

Here’s a map to play with.

I agree.The hatred the ,left has imposed on a duly elected POTUS and his supporters,all because they just don’t like him,isn’t just ludicrous but vile to boot.
No I responded to your posts,I just corrected your assertion is all
I think God cares,however through our free will he will allow us to decide.He only allows evil to the extent that good will come from it eventually.This is what I keep telling myself in the event JB prevails.
I think God cares
I disagree. God spent 33, or so, years on Earth. In all of that time we have no evidence that human politics interested him in the slightest.

Jesus could have set up a resistance movement to the Roman empire (or could have staged demonstrations in favor of it!), but he didn’t.
I recall similar pictures of Obama, but I think on a Catholic site, this is just a bit of a joke 😉
I think God cares,however through our free will he will allow us to decide.He only allows evil to the extent that good will come from it eventually.This is what I keep telling myself in the event JB prevails.
I don’t think this is sound theology. People are creatures that exercise free will. Sometimes that free will causes us to do things that ultimately have no redeeming value. No good comes from some actions. It just is.

God wants us to spend eternity with him, I don’t think he cares who the President is.
Well the professor of theological,studies at the Augustine Institue,which forms our future priests, says otherwise. I took a two year course in the Cathechism several years ago.This was his comments re evil.That God only allows evil to exist to the extent that good will come from it.He then pointed to the cross and said” No greater evil than this has ever existed in this world,yet the good that came from it is our Salvation.”
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Well, Jeanne, we know people disagree with me. Sometimes loudly.

So, okay. Romans 8:28 says God can bring good from evil. That doesn’t mean that He allows the evil. That comes from free will.
That’s what I said.He doesn’t cause the outcome of our decisions he allows them
I recall similar pictures of Obama, but I think on a Catholic site, this is just a bit of a joke 😉
If it is a joke, it is a sacrilegious joke at best, idolatry at worst.

This is how to know a true son of God.

Who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
7 rather, he made himself nothing
by taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
8 And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death—
even death on a cross!

Humility is the mark of on chosen by God. Now I know Trump brags about his humility, but…
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If it is a joke, it is a sacrilegious joke at best, idolatry at worst.
If it is idolatry, it is not a joke. If it is a joke, it may be in poor taste or even sacrilegious, but still a joke.
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