Resurrection is a false concept

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Catholics also believe your premise false. But the burden of proof is yours. If you can prove the existence of the soul then you can supply evidence that your premise is true or false.
EXACTLY!!! This reminds me of how Jesus could look at someone and reveal to them what was in their soul. You know the think that does not exist!😃

How Mary M actually ran from the well, and said this man is the Prophet, he told me everything about myself.

Or how the Jews tried to trick him, but could not. Or…

We could go on and on how Jesus saw deep inside the soul of men. How about Judas, he told Judas straight up, you are going to betray me, Judas said no I never would. Next minute Judas looked at Jesus and Jesus said go, and do what you came to do. He left and betrayed Jesus.
Children believe that Santa Claus is a real man. Santa however is an immaterial thing and it is form of persons body. Santa is separated from real body upon death. Santa however cannot occupy any room since it is immaterial. This means that Santa cannot be located by God. Hence the concept of Santa Claus is false.
Oh okay, wait till I tell my husband he does not exist. I bet the gifts he put under the tree all those years were false also right? And just part of my childrens imagination?

Children believe Santa is a real man. He is. Usually a Father, Mother, whoever takes care of the children and gives them gifts.

I can’t wait to tell my husband he is immaterial since he cannot occupy any room. I wonder how he can occupy the couch, and I love the immaterial pay check that comes every two weeks from this immaterial thing.

Beings that my husband is a immaterial thing, can I have more then one:eek:😛 Or at least their paychecks!!😛
Let me know when all of you get your piece of coal!🙂
Hey wait a minute no COAL!! I live in a large house with a wood burner upstairs, and just bought a few years ago a amish built coal burner. When the electric goes out and there is a foot of snow my house is 90. No coal no heat:mad: My kids always joke and its true they buy us a ton for Christmas.

All kidding aside, I have a shop in my house, the coal is outside of my shop and I tell all of my naughty customers, don’t forget your gift on your way out!!😃
Of course God knows what soul is. Soul however cannot occupy any room upon death. So the idea is that how the person could be resurrected when soul cannot be located.
If the soul needs a location for a person to be resurrected seems to be based on the idea that a soul needs a location for a person to have one. However, souls are immaterial and therefore cannot have a location by that very definition. If this is what you are arguing, you seem to be saying people cannot have souls at all.

If, on the other hand, you are arguing that a soul needs to be embodied to exist, that’s a different matter, and one that Aquinas wrestled with. Certainly, a human soul is incomplete without a body, but it doesn’t follow that the soul cannot exist disembodied. There are other immaterial beings, like angels, who exist disembodied and I don’t think it’s metaphysically impossible for God to sustain the soul in a disembodied state.
Not true. People have testified to that truth. You need to prove your argument. Thousands have testified to the truth of the resurrection of Christ. It is written and documented through history.
Apparently many testified that Mithra is God also who take human flesh too. Ironically their stories have many thing in common. You can find more in here. You can also watch the second part of this movie
And that is why it is so great. Nothing taught infallible by the RCC has ever been inconsistent and always error free. Simply because it is the true word of God.

If you would like to show a inconsistency in Catholic teaching, I would love to hear it.
I have many thread challenging Catholic belief. You can look at this for starting.
Oh, you mean like love cannot be located, hence love is impossible?
No I meant what I wrote: I am happy that you accepted the fact that soul doesn’t occupy any room upon the death. This however means that the soul cannot be located hence resurrection is impossible.

Assuming that God could create soul upon conception, God cannot locate soul hence he cannot unite soul with the matter to create body. Conception and resurrection suffer from the same problem.
Catholics also believe your premise false. But the burden of proof is yours. If you can prove the existence of the soul then you can supply evidence that your premise is true or false.
Does soul occupy any room upon death? No, since otherwise God don’t bother to combine it with body to make it functional.

Do you need to “locate” your memories, or the number 4?
All concepts are embedded in a space lets call it X. They occupy some room otherwise they could not be experienced. It is duty of soul and body to retrieve concepts from X or embed them inside X.
Do you need a physical Rolodex for them?

Of course not, they are in your mind.
Please read the previous comment.
Likewise, we are subsidiary minds (souls) within the divine mind. God will have no difficulty to rebody all of us, whatever the form or material of the new body.

There is a problem in reboding them if soul does not occupy any room.
Wait. Santa Claus isn’t real? Well then who’s been eating all the cookies I’ve been leaving out?
Cookies go out, no cookies come in. You can’t explain that.

And who do these Santa doubters think leaves all the presents under the tree?
Does soul occupy any room upon death? No, since otherwise God don’t bother to combine it with body to make it functional.
Repeating your premise over and over is not proof. Please supply your evidence.
If the soul needs a location for a person to be resurrected seems to be based on the idea that a soul needs a location for a person to have one. However, souls are immaterial and therefore cannot have a location by that very definition. If this is what you are arguing, you seem to be saying people cannot have souls at all.
I am glad that you agree that soul does not occupy any room in absence of a body. Soul however occupies room when it is joined to a body. This however is not the problem. The main problems are how God can unite soul and matter to create human in time of conception and resurrection.
If, on the other hand, you are arguing that a soul needs to be embodied to exist, that’s a different matter, and one that Aquinas wrestled with. Certainly, a human soul is incomplete without a body, but it doesn’t follow that the soul cannot exist disembodied. There are other immaterial beings, like angels, who exist disembodied and I don’t think it’s metaphysically impossible for God to sustain the soul in a disembodied state.
I am not arguing that soul should be embodied to exist. Soul exist with or without a body. Soul however is not functional without body. Angels and God does not occupy any room and they could be functional. Human however need soul and mater. The main problem is that a soul after creation belongs to immaterial world where location doesn’t have any meaning. The soul however should be located in order to embodied inside mater. So as you can see there a problem in bringing soul which is not locatable and unite that with mater.
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