That makes no sense. Just because something doesn’t NEED a body, it doesn’t mean it can’t make use of one. So, that is correct: a soul CAN exist without a body, just as it CAN exist WITH(IN) a body.That is incorrect since otherwise God wouldn’t bother to combine soul and mater to create human.
Bahman, infinity is a concept beyond your comprehension, evidenced by your lack of understanding what God is considered to be. People have pointed out where your premises are wrong, concerning the Catholic understanding, but you deny their arguments with a childish “I don’t agree, so you are wrong”. This discussion has become effectively useless: we don’t accept your (supposedly) perfect arguments, and you won’t accept that you don’t really understand the concepts you speak of.
And, before you even ask: you show that you don’t understand of the God “concept” whenever you say “God can’t”. Let’s suppose God was a human invention: we invented the concept of God as something that can do just about everything. Period. He can make the impossible happen, He just won’t do it.
By that premise only, God can locate something that doesn’t exist in a place that doesn’t exist. He is **that **powerful. If He can create a place, then He can place whatever He wants in it.
Can we please stop arguing this already? I am starting to think Bahman some sort of troll, because this has reached ridiculous levels of stubbornness already.