Resurrection is a false concept

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I need an argument against my argument.
God exists.

He can do anything he pleases.

He creates humans, body and soul (ex-nihilo by the way).
It pleases him to resurrect us body and soul.

Anybody who tells you where their soul is in that mysterious time between death and the resurrection is speculating.


All powerful God.

Awesome mysteries.
I put everything that we can experience inside material category.
You have never met my mother. I can guarantee you she exists. But it would take a seed of faith to trust me on it.

You have never seen the darkside of the moon. Is it there?

No one really believes that only the experienced constitutes reality. Some may say it, but they don’t really believe it.

Everyone, without exception, has faith in something outside themselves, whether they will admit it or not. (funny how human beings are wired that way)
Accepting the fact that teaching of church you are at most a follower. This means that you don’t have any respect for human dignity to make your own way in your spiritual journey. This means that you don’t respect God and his creation either.
Where did you locate “respect” or “human dignity” or “spiritual journey?” These are non-locatable in space and take up no room. Therefore, according to your logic, you have no grounds for concluding anything about any of them.

Seems a little inconsistent of you to say what God can and cannot do based upon what is or is not locatable in space and doesn’t take up room and then you relax those regulations completely by taking liberties and making all kinds of conclusions with regard to what is clearly just as “not locatable” by you because your ideas don’t “take up room” anywhere, either.

You want to deny to God a capability you readily presume to yourself. Clearly arbitrary and self-refuting of you to do so, my good fellow.

You do understand the logical law of non-contradiction, yes?

Now, unless you think your mental ideas are safely held in storage in some little room inside your skull where they are located and take up space, any meaningful conclusions you think you can draw after claiming it is impossible for God to locate immaterial things that don’t take up space are self-refuted by that very same “impossibility.”

Your “argument,” if it can be called that, simply turns on every new insight you want to spout like an insatiably vicious pit bull that devours everything that proceeds from your keyboard.

Perhaps best depicted as…

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I put everything that we can experience inside material category.
Are your experiences, themselves, also material or “inside material category?”

Where are your experiences located and how much room do they take up?
God exists.

He can do anything he pleases.

He creates humans, body and soul (ex-nihilo by the way).
It pleases him to resurrect us body and soul.

Anybody who tells you where their soul is in that mysterious time between death and the resurrection is speculating.


All powerful God.

Awesome mysteries.
These are a set of claims which does not work against an argument.
Catholic believe that man is made of mater and soul. Soul however is an immaterial thing and it is form of body. Soul gets separated from body upon death. Soul however cannot occupy any room since it is immaterial. This means that soul cannot be located by God. Hence the concept of resurrection is false.
These are a set of claims which does not work against an argument.
I find that ironic, given the claim you make in your OP.
What kind of argument hinges on a baseless claim?
After careful consideration of this and other examples of Bahman’s “reasoning”, I have come to the conclusion that Bahman is actually a computer program designed to posit silly arguments to get a rise out of CAF denizens, and then to simply dispute any and all counter arguments. Here’s my proof:

A When jonathan_hili pointed out the circular nature of his argument, to whit
(1) The soul is immaterial.
(2) Whatever is immaterial does not occupy physical space.
(3) Whatever does not occupy physical space cannot be located.
(4) The soul cannot be located because it is immaterial.It is not circular argument.
Bahman simply said the argument was not circular; no other explanation was forthcoming.

B He stated that he puts “everything that we can experience inside material category” including the ideas that are contained in a book. This is just contrariness since material things are made of matter and ideas are clearly not.

C He constantly makes unsubstantiated assertions but demands hard proof from everyone else.

All this points to
(a) a mindless computer program, or
(b) someone who gets their kicks out of being the wall everyone bangs their heads against.

Either way, I’m not playing any more.
Catholic believe that man is made of mater and soul. Soul however is an immaterial thing and it is form of body. Soul gets separated from body upon death. Soul however cannot occupy any room since it is immaterial. This means that soul cannot be located by God. Hence the concept of resurrection is false.
Where would you locate squareness?

To locate it all a master builder has to do is grab any old chunk of matter and impose that form.

Hey… God is so powerful he can even do one better… he can even impose the form of materiality on nothingness!
Easy peasy.
Your argument against resurrection is false - “Since the soul is immaterial, God cannot locate it.” Counter-argument: God not only created the Universe, meaning both the material and the spiritual, but He sustains it at every moment. All then that exists is intimately connected to God the Creator. A person then may be lost to him or herself, but not to their source. Analogy: a stream, spilling out of a lake, may meander into unfamiliar terrain and so in a sense not be fully known to itself. Yet it remains ever connected to its source, the lake - the human being, body and soul, to the Godhead.
Catholic believe that man is made of mater and soul. Soul however is an immaterial thing and it is form of body. Soul gets separated from body upon death. Soul however cannot occupy any room since it is immaterial. This means that soul cannot be located by God. Hence the concept of resurrection is false.
As you sort of mention here, the human soul is an immaterial spirit. Yet, when it is united to the human body which forms a human person, the immaterial soul is in the body and in the place wherever the body is. For wherever the body goes, obviously our soul goes with it. Accordingly, an immaterial soul or spirit can be in a place. But, our soul is in the body not as being contained by the body, but as containing the body. Consequently, a spirit, such as the angels or separated human souls are in a place not as being contained by it such as bodies are, but as containing the place by contact of power. Separated human souls and the angels are in place as far as the “reach”, so to say, of their power can extend which is limited. Only God is everywhere while creatures are somewhere.
My computer’s been down so I haven’t read all.

However, I would suggest that everyone reread post no. 64
and REALLY understand it!

I think it’s time.

Oh. And 68 has seen the light.
Bahman needs to see The Light.
You have never met my mother. I can guarantee you she exists. But it would take a seed of faith to trust me on it.

You have never seen the darkside of the moon. Is it there?

No one really believes that only the experienced constitutes reality. Some may say it, but they don’t really believe it.

Everyone, without exception, has faith in something outside themselves, whether they will admit it or not. (funny how human beings are wired that way)
I don’t understand how your comment is related to my argument about resurrection. Could you please elaborate?
Where did you locate “respect” or “human dignity” or “spiritual journey?” These are non-locatable in space and take up no room. Therefore, according to your logic, you have no grounds for concluding anything about any of them.
Any concept has a form upon experience hence they occupy some room inside your mind which of course is not physical room.
Seems a little inconsistent of you to say what God can and cannot do based upon what is or is not locatable in space and doesn’t take up room and then you relax those regulations completely by taking liberties and making all kinds of conclusions with regard to what is clearly just as “not locatable” by you because your ideas don’t “take up room” anywhere, either.
Ideas and soul have nothing in common since ideas are experienced with soul and they resides inside your mind. Mind on the other hand is utility of soul allowing that experience happen.
You want to deny to God a capability you readily presume to yourself. Clearly arbitrary and self-refuting of you to do so, my good fellow.
Please read previous comment.
You do understand the logical law of non-contradiction, yes?
How that is related to this topic?
Now, unless you think your mental ideas are safely held in storage in some little room inside your skull where they are located and take up space, any meaningful conclusions you think you can draw after claiming it is impossible for God to locate immaterial things that don’t take up space are self-refuted by that very same “impossibility.”
Ideas are experienced and stored inside your mind and they occupy room.
Are your experiences, themselves, also material or “inside material category?”
Let me be more precise on this subject. Whatever we experience can be divided into two category depending on where they are: 1) object and 2) ideas. Objects reside inside physical space but they can be delivered inside our conscious mind for experience. It is the duty of sensory system to convert object to a form which can be experienced by conscious mind. Ideas however reside inside subconsciousness and can be delivered into conscious mind for experience.
Where are your experiences located and how much room do they take up?
Anything that we experience occupy a room in conscious mind.
Why do you waste your time by posting nonsense? Is that all you can do when you fail to understand an argument or you fail to offer a counter-argument?
Let me be more precise on this subject. Whatever we experience can be divided into two category depending on where they are: 1) object and 2) ideas. Objects reside inside physical space but they can be delivered inside our conscious mind for experience. It is the duty of sensory system to convert object to a form which can be experienced by conscious mind. Ideas however reside inside subconsciousness and can be delivered into conscious mind for experience.

Anything that we experience occupy a room in conscious mind.
I have an idea in my conscious mind, it is taking up space here. I can locate it. But now I’m going to shout out idea to you across physical space. Idea now is not physical, is a thought in space. Not material thing. Idea cannot be located. Therefore it cannot exist. You need argument why my shouted idea is real and cannot be located in room.
I find that ironic, given the claim you make in your OP.
What kind of argument hinges on a baseless claim?
Could you please read OP again to see if there is anything wrong there or if you can find a counter-argument?
After careful consideration of this and other examples of Bahman’s “reasoning”, I have come to the conclusion that Bahman is actually a computer program designed to posit silly arguments to get a rise out of CAF denizens, and then to simply dispute any and all counter arguments.
Is that a part of Catholic teaching to call people as a computer when you fail against a clear argument?
Here’s my proof:

A When jonathan_hili pointed out the circular nature of his argument, to whit

Bahman simply said the argument was not circular; no other explanation was forthcoming.
That is him who should show that my argument is circular. Can you show that?
B He stated that he puts “everything that we can experience inside material category” including the ideas that are contained in a book. This is just contrariness since material things are made of matter and ideas are clearly not.
Please read post #76 for further explanation.
C He constantly makes unsubstantiated assertions but demands hard proof from everyone else.

All this points to
(a) a mindless computer program, or
(b) someone who gets their kicks out of being the wall everyone bangs their heads against.

Either way, I’m not playing any more.
Where is your argument?
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