Excellent. I think this conversation will go a lot more smoothly if folks can have an accurate understanding of where you are coming from. I’ll just add a few more points after 6 that came to mind. If you could confirm those as well, I would appreciate it.
1-Everything we experience can be divided into objects and ideas.
2-Ideas only exist in the mind.
3-The mind is divided into the subconscious and the conscious.
4-Only the conscious mind actually experiences ideas.
5-The conscious mind (I presume) either
- experiences ideas drawn from the subconscious.
- experiences ideas converted from sensory stimulus.
6-This conversion process from sensory stimuli to an idea is from one form to another form. Perhaps from the form Object to the form Idea?
7.Both objects and ideas are material things.
8.As material things you can physically locate them. For example, I can point to a dog or, if I was a skilled enough neurosurgeon, I could open up the human brain and point to the idea of dog.
9.A skilled neurosurgeon could even point to the area of the brain where the idea of Dog is located that corresponds to the subconscious and where that idea would be located in the conscious part of the brain.
Is this correct? I think I am correctly representing you on 7, but 8 and 9 are my extrapolations, so I may be going beyond what you would grant.
God bless,