Return of Raise your hand if you might be a threadkiller! (update: thread now quivering in fear now that @youKnowWho posted again)

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Uh-oh, guys, I killed a thread!
Catholicism VS Bible Non-Catholic Religions
Yeah, I thought about adding that clarity beyond just saying “most Protestants” but decided it might distract too much if the OP responded. In my experience as a former Reformed Christian, Protestants like OP are more likely to turn on Lutherans, Presbyterians, or Anglicans than question themselves, and I didn’t want to go down that trail. So thanks for adding the clarity back in.
Banned for being a threadkiller! Oops, wrong thread. Never mind.
Banned for being a threadkiller!
When I saw “Banned” as the first word in the notification, I had a bit of a heart attack. I was wondering if I had finally ticked off one of the crazier fringes on these forums enough to get them to gang up on me.
Yep, sad. You killed the thread. Hope that doesn’t haunt you for the rest of your life.
Hi, my name is TOM, and I’m a threadkiller.

Hi, TOM!

Well, I did it again. I lost two pounds since last week, did a successful Friday fast, and then I got careless and killed a thread. It was a fasting thread during Lent, which is really awfully worse-bad than my last.

I’m sorry. (pitiful face)

Keep coming back! It works!
I’ve seen a few of these videos around, and the very whimsical nature and pacing always makes me question their validity. Are they based on real stories or mocking documentaries?
Hello everyone.
I am vz71, and I am a thread killer.

I reported a few posts, and the next thing I knew half the posts on the thread were gone and the thread closed.

Status quo for news, but this was in casual discussion.
I don’t know if I’m a threadkiller, but I do suffer from Post Acknowledgment Anxiety (henceforth known as PAA). Whenever I post, I keep checking back every few minutes to see if anyone has replied or given me a “like.”
How is your PAA doing?
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How is your PAA doing?
I’m taking it “one post at a time.” “Let go and let Mod.” As you can tell by the slogans, I’m applying the 12 steps and forming a new group, PAAA (Post Acknowledgement Anxiety Anonymous).

I did find one solution for PAA. I post in only the most controversial threads, the ones that are quickly closed, or better yet, deleted altogether by the mods, and then I can forget about whatever I posted 👍
I’m applying the 12 steps
Try listening to Dream Theater’s Twelve-Step Suite. The songs that are part of it are:
  • The Glass Prison
  • This Dying Soul
  • The Root of All Evil
  • Repentance
  • The Shattered Fortress
That should help put you in the mood to carry through with this. (Full compilations exist on YouTube, but I’m not linking here since there’s a bit of profanity in This Dying Soul.)
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