Reverend Rob Schenck Explains Why He Wasn't at the March for Life

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I respectfully disagree (with Schenck and the previous post which was deleted). Hopefully President Trump’s words in defense of life and the unborn will live and bring life, even long after his faults and failings have been consigned to history books.
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OK. The TDR* faction has spoken. Forget the unborn, since our preferred speaker was not there. Let them die, as the Supreme Court says its OK. We will take our pro-life ball (if we even have one) and go home!

Is the progressive left really so utterly self-absorbed and arrogant?

Short answer: Yes.
  • Trump Derangement Syndrome
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So much lefty progressive narrative. “Pregnant women seeking tourist visas?” C’mon. It’s “birth tourism,” attempting to have an “anchor baby” here. Had large numbers of attendees not participated in the March, the media narrative would have been “Pro-life movement running out of gas.” Or even “Pro-lifers think it’s more important to boycott Trump than to save babies.”
In a New York Times op-ed on May 30, 2019, Schenck announced his support for abortion rights (a big break from his past strongly pro life views). So the article struck me as disingenuous. Why would a pro-choice person attend anyway?

In the article he certainly exposes his extreme dislike of Trump. It’s a strange thing to put your dislike of one person, over the fate of millions of helpless innocents. And you don’t have to like a person to see the good that they are doing. Even very bad people do good things sometimes.
If I could summarize Rob Schenck’s position in a country song regarding his own Pro-Life views, it would be, “I was Pro Life when Pro Life Wasn’t Cool”.
Perhaps I’m wrong, but my impression was that the people who attended the March for Life didn’t attend it for Trump. They attended it to make a public witness to the sanctity and value of human life before birth.
The fight for life can only be won if we stand togther, regardless of race, denomination or whatever.

Articles such as this are only sowing division between us.

Ultimately such divison only serves the other side.
I certainly had the feeling that the March for Life this year was being used by Trump for his political preservation.
I agree, being at the march is nice, but it is also nothing if it isn’t followed up.
Articles such as this are only sowing division between us.
And considering the article was actually written by a pro abortion protestant, that was the entire point. It’s pure propaganda.

Now that the author has been exposed for his duplicity, are you going to do the right thing and delete this thread, @ProVobis?
It is not our place to say what is right. ProVobis has said nothing, literally nothing. Only gave us an article to read
What’s to explain? lol He’s pro abortion, of course he is not going to an event that celebrates life. Didn’t even have to read the article, the thread title says it all.
It makes some good points surprisingly enough and there is always room for improvement for pro-lifers.
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What is the TDR faction?
It’s the people (i.e. typically establishment Dems and Reps) that assume Trump’s “immoral” business dealings and ineptitude exceed that of those in Washington today. That said, I agree that we need to focus on the women whom need help, rather than solely getting rid of Roe v Wade. Eliminating Roe v Wade only gets rid of the federal mandate requiring states that have banned abortion to allow them.

Changing the culture while abortion is legal is far more important than making abortion illegal in certain states. Only a constitutional amendment banning abortion would make abortion illegal in all 50 states and even than you are more effective at changing the situation by changing the culture than by simply making it illegal. The culture has increased out-of-wedlock births despite increases in both abortion and contraception. While sex is SOLD as bringing freedom and liberty, purity is the true beacon of freedom and liberty; sex leads to captivity when done in a manner other than by God’s prescribed loving way.

I think as pro-lifers, it’s essential to understand people’s desperateness, the depravity of the abortion industry, and the abandonment of women that need it most. We don’t need the elimination of Roe v Wade to be our ultimate agenda, we need the prospect of adoption to be seen as a better choice than abortion. Only if we give women support and care about them at the deepest level can you expect that they will make the huge sacrifice and love of adoption rather than feel the need that abortion or raising their child are their only options. It took many decades for the uncaring, self-serving media to brainwash people into believing that sex was liberating; it will take many decades of sacrificial love to change the culture into realizing that one’s virginity shouldn’t be so cheaply given away.
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I got back to school 5 AM Saturday from the March for Life. I tell you, reverend Rob’s presence was not missed. I got through security just in time to hear President Trump speak, and his words gave me hope (even if it turned a smidge political at the end). He and I are on the same side on this issue, and so I’ll stand with him on it. On other issues, I’ll have to part, but with our allegiances meant to be to issues rather than people, it shouldn’t be difficult to set aside personal grievances in order to join the hundreds of thousands of people who came to march for those who can’t.
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It is not our place to say what is right. ProVobis has said nothing, literally nothing. Only gave us an article to read
On the issue of abortion, it IS our place to not only say what’s right, but to also fight against it. The Church condemns it. Killing an unborn child in the mother’s womb—up until the moment before birth as all the democratic presidential nominees are supporting—can not get any less evil than that. Since Roe v. Wade, tens of millions of innocent unborn children have suffered death in the US alone. This number of deaths is far greater all deaths suffered during World War 2 and the Vietnam War combined. The most dangerous place for a child to be in is in his/her mother’s womb—just take a moment and think about it…

In all fairness, it is reasonable and appropriate to have robust conversations/debates about President Trump policies and/or his personal demeanors. But, on this very issue of fighting abortion, President Trump has been Pro-Life since at least the day he announced his presidential candidacy. It is also a fact that he has been the most Pro-Life president in recent times—arguably all times. Yes, it is true that President Trump was pro-abortion at one time in his life. But, he had a personal epiphany and had a change of mind and heart, and became pro-life. That’s good.
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Christ before politics, always.

Don’t like the president, fine.
Feeling jaded, fine.
Think these are valid reasons to abandon your humanity, think again.
Anyone who uses politics and others’ mortal failings as an excuse to abandon the teachings of Christ needs to make a serious examination of conscience.
All human life is sacred, from the moment of conception until natural death. If you refuse to believe it, but still call yourself Christian, get yourself to RCIA - stat!
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