Reverend Rob Schenck Explains Why He Wasn't at the March for Life

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I would agree with a lot of what you say. However, I am still not sure what TDR means! I Googled it and all I could find was “World Health Organization Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases” and a private equity firm in London called TDR Capital.
What is the TDR faction?
No doubt, @po18guy meant TDS, an epithet used recently by Trump boosters, and not with much charity. TDS stands for Trump Derangement Syndrome. Of course, no one that I recall ever spoke of ODS, Obama Derangement Syndrome, but it surely ran rampant when President Obama was elected.
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Actually, TDS is verified by the psychological community. People are literally getting themselves worked up over Trump to the point of mental breakdown, panic attacks, etc. Not just a loss of rationality. People were definitely upset with Obama’s attacks on constitutional rights and societal integrity, but we didn’t have riots every time he exercised executive privilege. We didn’t have throngs of wild-eyed ragemongers shrieking obscenities in the street as though this somehow affects change. People are becoming completely unhinged over Trump to a degree markedly unobservable prior.
People were definitely upset with Obama’s attacks on constitutional rights and societal integrity, but we didn’t have riots every time he exercised executive privilege. We didn’t have throngs of wild-eyed ragemongers shrieking obscenities in the street as though this somehow affects change
I don’t think I could post pictures of the signs and memes created about Obama without being banned from this forum. And the ‘psychological community’ has also called Trump’s mental health into question, should we disregard that but still listen to anyone claiming TDS is somehow a psychological condition (something that usually takes decades to be recognized)?
I’m no fan of Trump but the fact he’s the first president to appear at the March for Life shows he’s a clever politician. He knows being against abortion on demand isn’t toxic in America. It’s evenly divided on the issue. It’s the media and cultural elites who find being pro-life toxic. They have a platform that amplifies their views. Ordinary people don’t have such platforms.
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Perhaps I’m wrong, but my impression was that the people who attended the March for Life didn’t attend it for Trump. They attended it to make a public witness to the sanctity and value of human life before birth.
I guarantee you that 90 percent of them had made arrangements to attend before Trump made his announcement that he would be appearing, which came out the day before the March. People rent buses, reserve seats on them, get permission slips from students’ parents etc well before that. In addition, many people go to this March every year or almost every year, and those who have been before know that the crush of people means that very few of them were going to see President Trump looking any bigger than an ant, if they could even see him at all because only so many people will fit in the space to view that stand - many people are meeting up at different locations nowhere near it.
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Oh, there’s no doubt - he’s nuts. I mean who willingly puts himself through this.? lol But he’s definitely the sanest man in DC. :crazy_face:😁 I’ve seen some lowbrow hate-laced stuff on Obama, sure, but most was regarding his actions and never anything like what we’ve seen these past three years. You ask most why they hate Trump so much and you get insulted or screamed at if not attacked. Most on the left have become a caricature of their former selves and behave to a large degree like the children I worked with in residential mental health.
Most on the left have become a caricature of their former selves and behave to a large degree like the children I worked with in residential mental health.
For the record that’s how the right looks as well. Perhaps you shouldn’t start with the assumption by asking why they hate Trump. I wonder how your interaction would differ if you asked “what has Trump done that you find so objectionable”. I’d … probably have pen and paper handy.
We didn’t have throngs of wild-eyed ragemongers shrieking obscenities in the street as though this somehow affects change. People are becoming completely unhinged over Trump to a degree markedly unobservable prior.
Huh? That’s not the America I live in. It sounds like right-wing media hype; find some rage somewhere and say it’s everywhere. Where do you get your US news?
Getting back to the OP, I can’t stand President Trump, but I am glad he said those beautiful words about life. Hopefully it will make a difference, maybe encourage some senator, representative, or governor to stand up and speak out for life. 💖
Actually, TDS is verified by the psychological community. People are literally getting themselves worked up over Trump to the point of mental breakdown, panic attacks, etc. Not just a loss of rationality. People were definitely upset with Obama’s attacks on constitutional rights and societal integrity, but we didn’t have riots every time he exercised executive privilege. We didn’t have throngs of wild-eyed ragemongers shrieking obscenities in the street as though this somehow affects change. People are becoming completely unhinged over Trump to a degree markedly unobservable prior.
When have there been anti-Trump riots? I don’t mean protests, but rock throwing, building burning, car overturning, tear gas, pepper spray, casualties, violence, curfews, martial law, etc. There have been acts of violence perpetrated by right wing extremists, and the draft dodger in the White House won’t speak out against them.
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And frankly, why would I care whether an evangelical minister attends any event anywhere? Not to be uncharitable, but their views aren’t particularly where I base my faith.
On the issue of abortion, it IS our place to not only say what’s right, but to also fight against it. The Church condemns it.
To clarify, I meant more that you were pressuring the OP to take the post down because the author, and leaving it up would be “wrong”. I didn’t really mean abortion.
Perhaps I’m wrong, but my impression was that the people who attended the March for Life didn’t attend it for Trump. They attended it to make a public witness to the sanctity and value of human life before birth.
Amen. People didn’t book airplane tickets to see Trump (who didn’t even publicly tell anyone that he would be that until two days before the March).

The article is really disingenuous
Anyone who uses politics and others’ mortal failings as an excuse to abandon the teachings of Christ needs to make a serious examination of conscience.
All human life is sacred, from the moment of conception until natural death. If you refuse to believe it, but still call yourself Christian, get yourself to RCIA - stat!
Interesting to see how liberals who identify as Catholic react to Pro Life President Trump who is at odds with their liberal political ideology. I think another factor is how liberal left feminism has taken hold within Catholicism to the point where the ‘feelings’ of the mother are equal to or even more important than the life of the child.
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