It’s really all the Trump administration has, that is, a campaign based on instilling fear in the electorate that the socialist, leftist, anarchist, culture-canceling Democrats are coming to your neighborhood, and that Biden, whom Trump characterizes as either himself a socialist or too weak to counteract the leftists of his party, is unwilling and unable to do anything about it.
The winner of the election is essentially based on which candidate the American people fear the most: Biden, due to his weakness with regard to social unrest, or Trump, due to his unwillingness and/or incompetence in stemming the tide of the virus. The curious thing, however, is that the electorate still trusts Trump more than Biden with regard to reviving the economy even though the economy cannot be revived by anyone until the virus is brought under control by means of mandatory face coverings, social distancing, and shelter-in-place orders for the hot spots.
Meltzerboy2’s prediction is that Trump will win the election, narrowly, because Biden is not the right candidate to instill confidence in the American people. Maybe if he were 10 or 20 years younger, things would be different. Trump is at his most vulnerable, and the pity of it is that Biden is the best the Democrats have to offer. The further pity is that heartland America were conned into electing Trump, of all people, in the first place, and really believing that a billionaire New Yorker, who himself was a Democrat but in fact is nothing but an opportunist without any moral convictions, cares about them and our country. Both parties are indeed pitiful.