Rosie speaks out again!

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Oh, someone actually listens to the magic words of “wisdom” from O’Donnell?

She is nuts. Who cares. Like she is the spokesman for Christianity?

That show is a waste of brain cells.
These radical christians fail in presenting the message in a calm and charitable manner like the Catholic Church does and as a result, the radicals of Christianity is what mucks up everything worse then it already is.
What message is O’Donnell presenting? In her usual calm, charitable manner?:rolleyes: Sorry. People like her have a big hand in shoveling in the muck imo.
I may not agree with Rosies lifestyle, but I’d rather have her as a neighbor than those two false christians and those who follow them
Wow! Yet another CAF poster whose been given the gift of discerning the state of people’s souls!

– Mark L. Chance.
Sean Hannity is including that clip on the show tonight…

Rosie is over the edge, in my “view”

ABC’s Rosie O’Donnell told a nationwide audience this week that “radical Christians” are the same as radical Muslims who piloted hijacked jetliners into New York’s Twin Towers, who chop off the heads of individuals and who bomb innocent children in suicide attacks. O’Donnell made her comments as host of ABC’s “The View.”

“Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America where we have separation of church and state,” O’Donnell said. She had been saying that America was attacked “not by a nation.” She continued: “And as a result of the attack and the killing of 3,000 innocent people, we invaded two countries and killed innocent people.” Even her liberal co-hosts were shocked by her comments.

Co-host Joy Behar protested that Christians are not trying to impose mass murder on America. “This group (radical Muslims) is threatening to kill us.” Replied O’Donnell: “No, but we are bombing innocent people in other countries. True or false?”

O’Donnell was saying there is no difference between the radical Muslims who kill in the name of Allah and Bible-believing Christians who follow the teachings of Jesus.

Neither O’Donnell nor ABC apologized for the comments. Had she made similar comments about minorities or homosexuals, there would have been an apology, and she would have probably been fired.

The message from ABC is that bashing Christians is acceptable, even comparing them with murderers who kill in the name of Allah.
The VIEW knew who they were getting. Rosie is a visceral person and her outbursts will be a common thing on that show. She only moves that show even more to the far left that it was prior to her arrival. What the VIEW needs is added insurance for liable suits I see happening in the future.

She is a hard core lefty and her spewing invectives is what she does best. What you see is what you get. No surprises here.
I get e-mails from the AFA(American Family Association. I just answered it today. They asked us to send in complaint to ABC so I did. We want an apology and reprimand. I really like Rosie, but she is making it increasingly difficult. Manny you were in Iraq fighting against these terroists–what do you think?

I hope ABC does something.😦
The real question is would you rather live next door to Fallwell or Osama Bin laden?
I see little difference. Both are religious fanatics and dangerous but in very different ways. I would have a real problem is either shower up at my door.
She’s a perfect fit for the show. They’re always spouting off about how wonderful abortion is, and other left wing cr^p. It used to be on in the break room at work. I started taking my break at a different time…
wow… really horrible torture for those kind and gentle terrorists.

I don’t see their heads in one of the pictures… a radical Christian must have chopped it off.

as for Rosie… she does okay, considering she has to use both of her brain cells to “think”

You may have given her credit for one too many …

But funny. :rotfl:
I see little difference. Both are religious fanatics and dangerous but in very different ways. I would have a real problem is either shower up at my door.
The Liberal thought process is a terrible thing to behold…
wow… really horrible torture for those kind and gentle terrorists.

I don’t see their heads in one of the pictures… a radical Christian must have chopped it off.
Inhumanity breeds inhumanity. Radical is wrong, whether Christian or Muslim. Only a Sith deals in absolutes! 😛
I haven’t seen any outrage over this on mainstream media (although I’m not surprised). Like in my original post, if the tables were turned there were be an immediate call for the firing of whoever spoke out against the homosexual lifestyle.

The problem is that we are considered “radical” if we don’t agree with her lifestyle.
Inhumanity breeds inhumanity. Radical is wrong, whether Christian or Muslim. Only a Sith deals in absolutes! 😛
You mean radical like this:

But I say unto you, That it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment, than for thee. -Mt 11:24

And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. -Lk 12:4


Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. -Jn 12:24
No, I mean as in you know you’re right, they know they’re right, round and round and round we go!
To answer the question-Would you rather live in a town full of Rosies or a town full of Falwell/Robertsons? Hmmm…

As for the 9-11 being punishment for gays thing, Falwell (or Robertson, whichever) did apologize for that. I don’t recall Osama apologizing for 9-11. I’m sure we’d know if he did b/c the press would be demanding we leave Afghanistan. What’s funny to me is back when Rosie was personally scared right after 9-11, she heaped nothing but praise on “radical Christian” GW Bush. I guess they’re only a good asset when you’re scared for your life.

Hmm, let’s see…

Falwell/Robertson-intolerant of homosexuality, abortion, pornography, immoral conduct based largely on a biblical view, etc.

Rosie O’Donnell-intolerant of “radical” Christianity, ie people who don’t jump up and demand she is entitled the right to be a married homosexual mother who supports abortion…

I think I’ll take my chances with Falwell and Robertson (examples of what the Catechism terms as Christians we have an incomplete or imperfect union with) over Sodom and Gomorrah.
I just feel the need to interject…have any of you actually watched Elizabeth Hasselbeck? It seems many of you have just heard she is a devout Christian. Now, I have no problem with conservative/christian representation on The View, in fact, I think it’s a neccessary balance. But her celebrity comes from being on a reality show, and she comes across as ditzy and over the top on her beliefs. It’s not that I disagree with her beliefs, but she argues them as though she’s being fed lines or being told to be as outrageous as possible. I’ve already said how she equated the morning after pill with leaving a child out on the street…that is a totally different issue…most women who would use that pill would never do that to a child. I have no problem with her politics either, but she just parrots conservative phrases instead of arguing intelligently and maturely. She has like juvenile fits and has to be comforted. Now don’t get me wrong, I think Rosie can be too extreme also, and needs to class up her act a bit. I just feel like people here are devoting themselves to their martyr Elizabeth Hasselbeck because she agrees with them, and automatically assuming she’s just bullied on The View for no reason and they don’t listen to a word she says. If she argued more intelligently and logically, she would get a whole lot more respect. She’s really not qualified to be debating on The View, IMO (which is just my opinion).
Q. Do you know what the difference is between the Morning After Pill and leaving a child out on the street?

A. With the Morning After Pill, you can’t hear the child screaming. 😦

Quite honestly, the morning after pill is WORSE than leaving a child outside in the cold. If you leave a child outside in the cold, at least someone else can come along and help it. He/she has a fighting chance. No such luck with the morning after pill. It’s up to conscience, which you would hope is properly formed and educated in Catholic teachings.

I can understand how some may confuse Catholic beliefs with Conservative beliefs, they are very similar.😉

And yes, I do listen to Elizabeth ocassionally, thank you very much.
Forgive her Father, for she knows not what she does. Sounds to me like she needs someone to pray for her. Jesus Christ loves the sinners too. Let’s all pray for her.
Apparently on 9/12/06 on the View Rosie has this to say about Christians:

O’Donnell: "And just one second, radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America."
I heard a blurb about this on the radio and googgled Rosie O’Donnell and Christianity. I don’t watch the View.

Sounds like Rosie is a Christianphobe. If someone came on the View and talked about how threatening homosexuality is to the US there would be an uproar! I’m tired of the hypocrisy of it all.
She will eventually implode. You can’t spin up like that all the time. Even their audience of emoting Americans will grow weary.
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