The problem with this is that the USA is not acting as a “Christian” Theocratic nation, we are a secular nation, and our laws and policies are not really driven by Christian principles. We have a population that claims to be somewhere around 85% Christian, but most of these don’t even agree amongst themselves what it means to be Christian, let alone how to behave as Christians while trying to defend free civilization.
We went into Iraq with the intent on helping the Iraqi’s, who had been trying to depose Saddam with the dream of a democratic society, kinda like we had promised them in the first Iraq war and then deserted them to be slaughtered. It’s why we haven’t deserted them to date this time, although I think that honor in keeping our word is not what many in our country are very concerned about anymore.
So, it has never been about
imposing democracy, but
supporting and
standing with those within that country who are willing to fight to establish it, a long hard fight that they can’t win on their own, especially with Al Quieda working against them to make sure they don’t succeed.
It is indeed a mess, but when is war not a mess? And when do we decide that freedom is not worth fighting for?
OK, I’ll shut up now! I don’t normally talk politics, but I do talk religion! This one kinda mixed them both up and I crossed a line I don’t normally cross!
As to the general discussion: is anyone surprised that Rosie hates “Radical” Christians (radical means anyone who takes their faith
seriously and objects to abortion, euthanasia and homosexual marriage) and has no problem saying it? Is anyone surprised that the Left in general thinks we are a threat? The world hated Christ, we should be surprised if they
don’t hate us.
Peace in Christ, it’s all we can hold onto in days like these.