Rosie speaks out again!

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She will eventually implode. You can’t spin up like that all the time. Even their audience of emoting Americans will grow weary.
Indeed. The utter hypocrisy of these people becomes more and more apparent the more they scream. Her and her ilk have no credibility left at all.
Q. Do you know what the difference is between the Morning After Pill and leaving a child out on the street?

A. With the Morning After Pill, you can’t hear the child screaming. 😦

Quite honestly, the morning after pill is WORSE than leaving a child outside in the cold. If you leave a child outside in the cold, at least someone else can come along and help it. He/she has a fighting chance. No such luck with the morning after pill. It’s up to conscience, which you would hope is properly formed and educated in Catholic teachings.

I can understand how some may confuse Catholic beliefs with Conservative beliefs, they are very similar.😉

And yes, I do listen to Elizabeth ocassionally, thank you very much.
Technically, the morning after pill and abandoning a baby are both taking a life (assuming the child is left where it cannot find help.) But very few women are thinking about taking a life, are looking at a child and making the choice to leave it to die. They see it as preventing a pregnancy. A woman who leaves her child to die is much more despicable because she is making a concious act (not to say that those women are evil; many just panic and don’t know what to do.) But the mindset of the women is totally different. It’s like saying someone who drives drunk and kills somebody is as evil as someone who runs someone over on purpose. The intent is totally different.
The problem with this is that the USA is not acting as a “Christian” Theocratic nation, we are a secular nation, and our laws and policies are not really driven by Christian principles. We have a population that claims to be somewhere around 85% Christian, but most of these don’t even agree amongst themselves what it means to be Christian, let alone how to behave as Christians while trying to defend free civilization.

We went into Iraq with the intent on helping the Iraqi’s, who had been trying to depose Saddam with the dream of a democratic society, kinda like we had promised them in the first Iraq war and then deserted them to be slaughtered. It’s why we haven’t deserted them to date this time, although I think that honor in keeping our word is not what many in our country are very concerned about anymore.

So, it has never been about imposing democracy, but supporting and standing with those within that country who are willing to fight to establish it, a long hard fight that they can’t win on their own, especially with Al Quieda working against them to make sure they don’t succeed.

It is indeed a mess, but when is war not a mess? And when do we decide that freedom is not worth fighting for?

OK, I’ll shut up now! I don’t normally talk politics, but I do talk religion! This one kinda mixed them both up and I crossed a line I don’t normally cross!:eek:

As to the general discussion: is anyone surprised that Rosie hates “Radical” Christians (radical means anyone who takes their faith seriously and objects to abortion, euthanasia and homosexual marriage) and has no problem saying it? Is anyone surprised that the Left in general thinks we are a threat? The world hated Christ, we should be surprised if they don’t hate us.😦

Peace in Christ, it’s all we can hold onto in days like these.:gopray2:
Not to change the thread, but the reason we went to Iraq was not because we promised the Iraqis Democracy, but because we thought there was a serious threat of Sadaam launching a nuclear war. Yes, and I mean, what do you expect from Rosie?
I think her point is valid. And she is entitled to her opinion.

I immediately thought of the Christians that bomb abortion clinics and kill doctors “in the name of God”. They are no better than the radical Muslims.
That’s not a valid comparison at all. The people that bomb abortion clinics are so fringe and small in number that comparing them to the tens of thousands of radical Muslims is absurd. Please think before you write.
I think her point is valid. And she is entitled to her opinion.

I immediately thought of the Christians that bomb abortion clinics and kill doctors “in the name of God”. They are no better than the radical Muslims.
So you’re against the killing of abortion doctors? Me too.

I’m also against the killing of millions of unborn babies. Are you?
We just need to rescue poor Elizabeth Hasselbeck from that wretched show. Think she’d leave the View for EWTN?👍 😃

Man, I feel old. I just read her Wikipedia entry and she’s younger than I am! What have I done with MY life? I’m having a hard time adjusting to this growing older thing.😃
Sorry–I realize that the thread has taken a different turn by now, but I wanted to bring back this point, which I thought was sweet at first, but actually might be something to lobby for! “Elizabeth…come to EWTN…ditch the View…”🙂
Not to change the thread, but the reason we went to Iraq was not because we promised the Iraqis Democracy, but because we thought there was a serious threat of Sadaam launching a nuclear war. Yes, and I mean, what do you expect from Rosie?
It was a two fold adventure. We thought he had WMD’s and would use them, plus we told those Iraqi’s who wanted to overthrow Sadaam that we would help them build a democractic government. Now, why anyone thought we could do it in a couple of years is beyond me. I can’t even get a home improvement project done in a couple of years!:rolleyes:

Back to Rosie, :eek: I think that after awhile, people will get tired of her bitterness and turn the channel to something more positive. Nobody needs a continual dose of that every morning! What were they thinking anyway? Was it an attempt to get their gay quota in? Trying to catch up with Bravo and HGTV?😉
What were they thinking anyway?
Was it an attempt to get their gay quota in? Trying to catch up with Bravo and HGTV?😉

That’s what I can’t figure out. The few times I’ve caught The View since she’s been on, she was talking about gays. And I only watched maybe 5 minutes each time. Does she interject something about being gay into EVERY discussion? I wonder if that’s what they wanted from her??? Which would be so stupid because I’m thinking their audience is middle aged stay at home Moms and, speaking for myself, I DON’T want to hear about anyone’s sexual prefrences at 10am.
That’s not a valid comparison at all. The people that bomb abortion clinics are so fringe and small in number that comparing them to the tens of thousands of radical Muslims is absurd. Please think before you write.
It is a valid comparison. “Christians” who BOMB anything are the same as radical muslims.

You don’t have to agree. Please think before you write.
That’s what I can’t figure out. The few times I’ve caught The View since she’s been on, she was talking about gays. And I only watched maybe 5 minutes each time. Does she interject something about being gay into EVERY discussion? I wonder if that’s what they wanted from her??? Which would be so stupid because I’m thinking their audience is middle aged stay at home Moms and, speaking for myself, I DON’T want to hear about anyone’s sexual prefrences at 10am.
Rosie…not funny …out of shape …big time…not interesting…adds nothing to any discussion…full of bitterness…promotes the gay agenda to the max…unhappy with herself and everything else…Whats not to like?
And I used to think Rosie was funny. What did I know?
Anyhoo, let’s see, what’s so good about the Islamic faith? They’re filled with prejudice, they treat their women like scum, and they only want Muslims on Earth, and they’re, uh, sexually motivated to blow people up. I know that there are some who don’t like the violent part of their faith, but until those people speak out more, I won’t believe them.
I havent seen the View since she has been on. I will watch it if I am not working and am at home. But I am not sure I still will. I can’t see where there will be any balance at all now.

I was wondering too when did radical Christians fly planes into buildings killing thousands? Sure there have been a few idividuals who killed abortionists. Or maybe some that thinks all gays should be killed but these are individuals. Maybe I could call them lunatic fringe.

It seems that in her eyes the idea that we think some actions are wrong and sinful is as evil as blowing up buildings
It is a valid comparison. “Christians” who BOMB anything are the same as radical muslims.

You don’t have to agree. Please think before you write.
What Rosie considers Radical Christians are those who vote in pro-life, pro-family, pro-marriage (between 1 man and 1 woman) representatives to Washington. This is what she considers dangerous. Don’t be confused about what she’s getting at. And she’s not the only one. This is a trend that we won’t likely see diminishing, but getting stronger over the next few years. If you don’t agree with them, you are a danger to them. This is the difference and it’s huge.

We will see in our lifetime more and more people going to jail for voicing disagreement with their agenda. They’re calling it Hate Crimes. That’s the buzz word to look for in the coming years. Our priests and pastors will not be free to speak against the culture without prison time, our pro-family politicians and pro-life activists will not be free to speak for life or family or marriage without prison time. It’s happening in other countries and it’s coming this way.

This is why we are taking notice of what Rosie is preaching from the pulpit of The View. She’s not alone in her hatred of us (any Christian who takes their faith seriously, not just lunatic fringe bombers) and she’s being given a platform to influence as many as she can.
Like I once said, Hollywood hates us Christians because we keep voting for the “wrong” people.
Rosie O’Donnell is just upset because she is in rebellion against God’s plan for one man and one woman to be married. God is the only Lord and Creator of the universe and man/woman. He has a right to tell us what is right. We are in rebellion if we do not heed His Word. His Word is Truth and everything else is a lie. Christians who are radical for God - love Him and want to serve Him do not hate Homosexuals - God loves them and so do we but to love them is to tell them the Truth and the Truth is Homosexuality is a sin ( it says so in HIS WORD) end of story. But that is why Jesus came to save us from our sin. Rosie needs to know that Jesus loved her enough to die for her and to acknowledge she is a sinner(like the rest of us) and needs a saviour. After she does that and receives HIM in her life - He will change her from a homosexual to normal. She is just in rebellion against God. She can change and God’s way is best.
God loves us all,
Rosie is just a loud person who gets people all riled up.ABC likes people like that on the View cause it brings in mre viewers. The more people who talk about it, make threads about it etc. the more free advertising they get. They don’t care if you watch it because you like it or because you are mad. Either way, they get higher numbers of viewers and therefore mor advertzing dollars.

So will Rosie continue to be loudmouthed and sometimes offensive? OF Course she will!!
Like I once said, Hollywood hates us Christians because we keep voting for the “wrong” people.
They sure do like to demonized Catholics and Catholic priests also. Now they are fond of trashing the Pope since he is very conservative. Well, I would never spend even 5 minutes watching Rosie on any show. She is a sick individual, along with Barbara Walters. They really have an exaggerated sense of self importance. Whoever said that Fr. Corapi was on at the same time has the right idea. He rocks!
I hate to think about how they will rant at Pope Benidcit now. And isn’t this the way to prove your religion is NOT violent by such a violent response (sorry the last sentence was off topic) But I bet that his comments will be an example of this radical Christianity.
Apparently on 9/12/06 on the View Rosie has this to say about Christians:

O’Donnell: "And just one second, radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America."
I heard a blurb about this on the radio and googgled Rosie O’Donnell and Christianity. I don’t watch the View.

Sounds like Rosie is a Christianphobe. If someone came on the View and talked about how threatening homosexuality is to the US there would be an uproar! I’m tired of the hypocrisy of it all.
Sounds like she doesn’t like Radical Christians. Why are you taking that to mean all Christians?
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