Rosie speaks out again!

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Sounds like she doesn’t like Radical Christians. Why are you taking that to mean all Christians?
One can conclude that if you look at Rosie’s fruits, a “radical christian” is someone who is against homosexual acts and so-called “marriages” between two people of the same sex. So, if one is to claim they are a follower of Christ, then the same individual should hate sin (not the sinner) and sinful actions making them, in Rosie’s book, a “Radical Chrisitan”.
One can conclude that if you look at Rosie’s fruits, a “radical christian” is someone who is against homosexual acts and so-called “marriages” between two people of the same sex. So, if one is to claim they are a follower of Christ, then the same individual should hate sin (not the sinner) and sinful actions making them, in Rosie’s book, a “Radical Chrisitan”.
Sounds like she doesn’t like Radical Christians. Why are you taking that to mean all Christians?
I am comfortable enough to conclude that Rosie would consider me a radical christian because I’m a faithful Catholic.
I think being called a “radical” isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Did they not consider Jesus to be an extremist radical in his time?

I want to be like him. 😃
I would like to say something just as outrageous as what Rosie said. In fact it’s so outrageous it may get the same media coverage.

“I see no difference between Jessica Simpson and Rosie O’Donnel”.
One can conclude that if you look at Rosie’s fruits, a “radical christian” is someone who is against homosexual acts and so-called “marriages” between two people of the same sex. So, if one is to claim they are a follower of Christ, then the same individual should hate sin (not the sinner) and sinful actions making them, in Rosie’s book, a “Radical Chrisitan”.
Exactly-it appears radical christians is any Christian foolish enough to actually beleive what their Faith teaches
Rosie O’Donnell is a pea-brain. Evidently, she wants the whole world to know it.
O’Donnell: "And just one second, radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America."

Wish she could stop back and objectively take a look at what she is saying.She should try living her lifestyle in Turkey, one of the more progressive countries with a majority of Muslims and see if she has the same opinion. Think she is too caught up in her anger and hate to embrace the truth. She is becoming a tragic, albeit angry victim of the hatred that runs deep.

A radical Christian is called to love Muslims as St. Francis of Assisi did. Ironically that the only lands that are in the hands of Christians that were “won” during the time of the Crusades are those Holy Sites entrusted to the care of the Franciscans.

When a truly radical Christian is outfitted for war all of his/her weapons are spiritual. The major difference between Islam and Christianity: when Islam returns to its fundamental roots, violence and forced conversion are acceptable and under the right circumstances laudable and rewarded. When Christianity returns to its most fundamental roots turning the other cheek and dying for another’s good is the height of perfection.

Rosie McDonnel is so caught up in her knee-jerk hatred of Christianity, she can’t even see that she is much better off here than she ever would be in a Muslim country.​
I just want to state a couple of things. I happened to have the television on ABC the morning of sept 28. I was busy doing something when the view came on. I heard this conversation that took place. This link does not really tell the whole truth. It seems to be twisting it a little. I also would like to state that after hearing this conversation I turned from ABC to EWTN and vowed that I will never turn on the view ever again(just to make that clear) The comment about drunken priests was deffinately made, but I believe that Rosie simply stated that when she was a child, during the late 60’s early seventy’s, communion was always given on the tongue and that sometime after that time there was some big conversion (she did not realize she was speaking of Vat2) and people were allowed to receive communion in the hand. She remembers her mother telling her that the host was not suppose to touch your teeth and you didn’t want it getting stuck to the roof of your mouth(she then made a face like she was trying to remove the host from the roof of her mouth with her tongue) because you were not suppose to touch it with your hands. she said she remembers that being “a lot of pressure on a young child” Well I remember this time also, since that is when I was in Catholic school, and I also remember being told by the nuns not to let the host touch your teeth. I also remember being told if the host was stuck to the roof of your mouth, not to touch it with your hand but to use your tongue to pry it loose( I’m fairly certain I must have made the same face she made in trying to remove the host when it became stuck to the roof of my mouth.) I’m just saying that that part of her conversation was not disrespectful, it may have been in poor taste, but then again it really was the truth of what happened in those days, or what we as children were taught. She need our prayers, not we as catholics condeming her for every word that comes out of her mouth. that’s all I’m saying. I did turn the channel because of what Joy Baher said, and the comment about the priests. Just my two cents.
Apparently on 9/12/06 on the View Rosie has this to say about Christians:

O’Donnell: "And just one second, radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America."
Precisely my thoughts on radical homosexuality, though I don’t see her breaking any records to condemn *that. :mad: *
I would like to say something just as outrageous as what Rosie said. In fact it’s so outrageous it may get the same media coverage.

“I see no difference between Jessica Simpson and Rosie O’Donnel”.
You need to get some new glasses:D
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