Sacraments necessary?

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Nice cut and paste. I do not question your faith or your love of God. I question your novel theology.

One last stab at it:

1.Are you here with an agenda, or are you a sea lion?
2. We are interested in truth, not false or pseudo-conversations, monologues, diatribes, revisionist agendas, or a Christ remade in man’s image.
3. Much of your theology is simply man-made. Do you need the names? 4. It does not comport with the early Church, or with any segment of Christian thought for the first 1500-1900 years.
5. Please provide a valid reason why you believe that you are correct and that 1.5 BILLION Eastern Orthodox and Catholics are all wrong?
6. Why do you think that you and your bible have cleared up what the Apostles, their successors and the world’s greatest theologians have all - each and every one of them - gotten horribly wrong for 2,000 years?
7. Why do you have the Holy Spirit and no one else?
8. Is there the slightest chance that you, and not billions of others, might just be mistaken?
9. Can you not see how someone might think that your zeal is blinding you to the facts, leading you past the history and into a new man-made religion that is only based on Christianity?

Since this is one-sided and you have no apparent interest in the history of Christian practice, I’m out. I can only pray.
I’m just wondering why it’s so hard to answer this question… Where did God explain that the sacraments were needed for Salvation…?

And your following answer is: “It works perfectly! What the problem is, is that you have been taught erroneous theology”.

Well that’s conclusive… 😉 That would have been a great spot to say: "God said the sacraments are needed for salvation, and here’s the evidence ______________________________ "
And God says the sacraments are a channel of God’s grace _____________ where…??
I’m just wondering why it’s so hard to answer this question… Where did God explain that the sacraments were needed for Salvation…?

And your following answer is: “It works perfectly! What the problem is, is that you have been taught erroneous theology”.

Well that’s conclusive… 😉 That would have been a great spot to say: "God said the sacraments are needed for salvation, and here’s the evidence ______________________________ "
We have said it. “Do this in memory of me.” You have heard it described in a number of ways. Because it was given to us, it is a gift, grace. St Paul said “ For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread” but you do not think we should hand on what we have received?

Baptism is similar. The purest form is in Mt 28, when Jesus tells the disciples to go to the whole world, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them all that I have taught you. He has brought is the gift of himself, which we hand on to others. What kind of faith would we have if we did not try to give what he asked us to give?

When he sent the twelve out on their mission during his life, he told them to anoint the sick. When did that mandate end? Or does it continue in our sacrament? And we do it as St James described the early church doing it, when someone is sick we call the elders of the Church to anoint her. There is no dismissive language about the Catholic sacerdotal language, but instead a plea that we help one another, and pray for one another.

I have asked you before, but where does it say that “participating in events that require Catholic sacerdotalism do not align with God’s Will.” God’s will seems very much to be that we give to others what we have received. This means the whole array of God’s grace, not just words but physical objects poignant with meaning like water and bread and wine. Jesus often gave bread to many, and wine to those at the wedding. Shouldn’t we give bread and wine also?
No question, I was just saying your previous post did not “clear this up”. I was not asking anything, just responding to your claim. Sorry for the typos.
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