I do not deny that there are some ignorant people who are racist and overtly so - they are very few
There is racism that may seem systemic - but it is minor in today’s society and laws are in place in this country that make systemic racism illegal. How to help those who were impacted int he past overcome the residual affects are needed. With the caveat that those policies need to be well thought out in order to not do even greater harm - the War on Poverty from the mid 1960s is a great example. That legislation has done a great deal of harm - across every American demographic - but the African American community has been the most harmed.
As the grandparent of an African American [half] granddaughter and a Hispanic granddaughter - I want their future to be awesome - for them to be all that they can be. I want the same for all 8 of my grandchildren - not just those 2. My granddaughter won the “Young and Talented African American Award” at her school a few years ago. This young lady is intelligent, athletic and artistic - she is beautiful and has a delightful demeanor, friendly, helpful and every parents dream teenager. None of that has anything to do with her being an African American. That award, though I was happy for her, I feel sends a racist message. As if being a talented African American is unusual and therefor worthy of note … or to the Caucasian kid that somehow being African American is better, special or worthy of extra prizes because there is no “Young and Talented Caucasian” award … and I wondered - did they also have similar awards for the Hispanics and Asian kids? Would the ‘white’ Hispanic kids be excluded from the Hispanic award?
Now we have people telling us that tradition families comprised of a married Mom and Dad and their offspring is a form of white supremacy. Its a patriarchal construct meant to keep people of color enslaved …
We have white people passing themselves off as African American, politicians claiming minority status and rich liberal people bribing colleges in order to get their children enrolled due to college acceptance policies that ignore college test scores and demonstrated academic records in favor of ethnicity quotas - which discriminate against Asian students more than any other demographic.
Affirmative action policies almost guarantee that the minority or female candidate that is hired is never seen as being the best candidate, a well qualified candidate or anything other than selected doe to their AA status … which is a travesty since the vast majority of them are in fact well qualified [best qualified is a judgment that is not quantifiable]. So the injustice - discrimination in hiring - is seen then as being unjustly applied in the reverse and therefore just applied to a new class of victim … OR the discrimination is seen as being reversed but not due to the merits of the candidate but because of an arbitrary decision that disenfranchises some or all.
It is very complex - but some might take a different path