Geez, Geo, you seem to have some Calvinistic tendencies here maybe!
I have been accused of worse…
Way worse…
With more justification, I might add…
It takes humility to think we must do our part, no matter how small that may be.
The premise here is that we have a part to do, which is arrogance…
Obedience to God is merely what we OWE to God…
Within this obedience, we have no (name removed by moderator)ut for our Salvation…
You see, Salvation is the conjoining of man with God - The Marriage of the Lamb…
Therefore we can only offer Him our death by denial of self in obedience to His Commandments and our taking up our cross to follow Him… In this, we are not “cooperating” in giving ourselves His Life… Being created, we simply do not have God (Who is Uncreated) TO COOPERATE in giving to ourselves Salvation, which is God’s Gift to us… ONLY God HAS God to Give, you see…
Salvation is union with God… Only God CAN have God to give…
So we are Called BY God to Repentance unto Baptism into Christ…
We then enter into repentance and instruction and are Baptized BY God…
In the Illumination of Baptism, we enter into perfecting repentance…
For we are Baptized into Christ’s Death on the Cross…
Whence we are, when/if God deems fit, Glorified BY God into Sainthood…
Notice the human role in all this - Human obedience in denial of self…
So rather than say “Well, I am COOPERATING with God” we prefer to say “By God’s Grace I am repenting from my sins…”
Calvin and I are old combatants…
I loved telling them that we are 100% responsible for our Salvation…
That we are 100% UNABLE to provide it to ourselves or earn it in any way…
So granted, I did have to learn the Heinlich Manoeuver to rescue those with whom I shared that understanding…
You see, the Grace that Saves us is God’s actual giving of Himself, for Christ is our Salvation… It is not some thing that God creates that saves us…