I understand that we’re completely passive in the event; that is a constant in anyone’s description if the experience is authentic. The cooperation comes beforehand in how we live our lives: in our seeking God with our whole heart and obeying His will, in our faithfulness over time. Whether or not He grants an experience of His immediate Presence or anything else is totally at His discretion.
In Orthodoxy, we call that preparation, not co-operation - It is why John the Baptist was called the Forerunner of Christ. It is why he came calling as a lone voice in the wilderness crying: “Prepare ye the Way of the Lord…” “Make straight the pathway of our God…” etc… Quoting Elijah… Discipleship is preparation for this event, you see… That is why it is so central to the Eastern Fathers…
It is precisely because of the “total passivity” of the human person in this encounter, which you tagged as an essential feature of its authenticity, that we disciple hesychia and stillness, inner silence, quietness, being cut off from the senses and thoughts and feelings willfully… It is why the Desert Fathers went to the Desert… It is why monks go to Mt Athos… Or to other isolated places to be alone with God…
Indeed, it is the whole point of Christian Life in Christ - A life of suffering in renunciation of the world for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven… It is the Cross that Paul preaches in Christ, and Him Crucified… Where we follow our Lord not merely in thought and word, but in very deed and truth…
Prayer, fasting and alms are the three pillars of Christian Life… With them we can stand… Remove one and we fall… The 5 foolish virgins gave no alms, you see… They prayed and fasted, but did not love their neighbor as themselves…
And alms were the one thing Peter and John insisted on in their meeting with Paul, which he was, of course, eager to do… It was not all merely Grace and Joy