I just used left handedness because I couldn’t think of anything else, Brendan. I wouldn’t say an addiction is the same thing as a disorder. But then I’m not a doctor
See my post above. There is such a thing as a moral disorder. We all have them. We are all called to resist the corrupted urges that occur in us. Homosexuality is one too.
Hmmmm, then my daughter who has a disorder " severe learning disabilites brought on by epilepsy" chooses to struggle with reading? I’m not trying to be challenging here, just reflecting on all disorders.
Please re-read what I wrote. I wrote about acting on “disordered impulses”, not having a medical disorder. Medical disordered are not actions.
If you go back in my post, I acknowledged it is a sin but not to be “hated”, at least not as I generally use that word.
Why not hate that sin to? What sin is to be welcomed?
It seems your defintion of “arrogance” does not allow any discussion of sin, morality, or theogolgy because “the Church says so.” This would seem to run counter to Church’s respect for free will and a well-formed conscience, for how can one form their conscience without interaction and discussion?
On matters of Faith and Morals, there really is no discussion. Free Will is always present and make choices for good or ill. Conforiming one’s Will to the Church is actaully the greatest Freedom.
As far as conscience, it is only a “well formed” conscience that the Church deems to be follows, and has specifically stated many times that a conscience is not “well formed” if it is in opposition to the Church on Faith and Morals.
My concern with this is some Catholics define “help” in a manner which feeds thier bigotry and baser instincts who all the while claim this thinly masked hatred is supported by the Church. I am not accusing you of this at all but it seems to me that we feed these darker motivations when we use phrases like “hate the sin” and when we justify the termination of a person’s employment basing it on unrelated transgressions.
The proclamation of Truth can never be biogoted. It is always freeing. Part of the problem of homosexuality is actually getting those afflicted to repent of the sin and ask for forgiveness.
There’s different kinds of sin. I hate molestation, adultery, physcial abuse or mental abuse of Childern but I find it difficult to “hate” what two men think is an act of love. It is a sin yes and we all pray that those who do have to carry this cross can work hard to live a chaste life but no, I can’t say I can hate a “sin” which is based on an expression of love between two people.
All sin is to be hated, in ourselves and in others.
It might appear to be Love, but it is a disordered Love, it can never be True, as it is not based on God’s Love.
It pretends to be Love, but they (like those in pre-marital sex and Adultery) are calling something ‘Love’ that is not. They attempt to give a gift they cannot give and recieve a gift they recieve.
Its interesting you bring up an Alcoholic though. If I had a choice between a gay father like this man who obviously is a wonderful intelligent person and works very hard or a father who was drunk all the time and was slowly killing himself…I think I’d rather have the gay father.
What you didn’t say was if the gay father was actively homosexual.
If so, Both are killing themselves, one physically and the other spiritually. They are both in sin, one of Gluttony and the other of Licentiousness.
If you tolerated the contition of either one without helping them overcome it, you would be doing them a gross injustice.
God also wants us to focus on forgiviness and prayer for them, if you choose to hate this sin then that’s your business. I’ll focus on love and prayer.
We are called to forgive exactly like Christ did " Neither do I condemn you, GO AND SIN NO MORE"
A lot of people forget to say that last part.