Gabriel Gale:
Gabriel Gale:
Essentially, I see Spitzer saying, “Yes, sometimes in some extreme cases where the subject is highly motivated there can be some small but measurable lessening of homosexual urges and/or fantasies.” And then there’s folks who hold that up and say, “See! Homosexuality IS a choice. It’s THEIR fault!” with the underlying message being: “So now we’re free to persecute them.”
I’m not a professional scientist by trade but at the very least I would expect the rigors of science to demand an objectively representative sample of sufficient quantity as to be statistically predictive. Soliciting volunteers with a vested personal interest in seeing a “successful” result is hardly objective. Note, I’m note saying the subjects were externally coerced but I do suspect that a large portion were internally coerced. This would be especially true of those who have a very conservative religious background.I guess that you would need to define “a scientific study.”
Gabriel Gale:
Not to quibble but I believe I was calling the funding/supporting institution biased (and the study flawed). Spitzer was indeed circumspect (which makes itsjustdave1988’s reliance upon this study all the more ill-informed) in many regards and then would offer little snippets that could be snatched up by those with an anti-homosexual agenda.I find your charge mainly illogical. You call the reseacher biased (with-out knowing anything about Dr. Spitzer), even though you state that the reseacher admitted that this survey did not find a lot of examples of complete change (a bias researcher would hide such results).
Essentially, I see Spitzer saying, “Yes, sometimes in some extreme cases where the subject is highly motivated there can be some small but measurable lessening of homosexual urges and/or fantasies.” And then there’s folks who hold that up and say, “See! Homosexuality IS a choice. It’s THEIR fault!” with the underlying message being: “So now we’re free to persecute them.”