Saying our goodbyes

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pattylt
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@AdamP88 thanks also for sharing your story of you meeting your spouse here. I had thought that I would like to meet my future spouse here too, but now that CAF is closing down, looks like it’s not going to happen.
I will say fare thee well on behalf of JamalChristopher …he may make it back before the closing of CAF 🤔
Farewell to all! I’ve really enjoyed participating on CAF. I write this - the same as I have for quite a while - as I’m having my first cup of coffee after my quiet time. I’m sad to say that I’m not sure what I’m going to fill this time with going forward. I suppose the Lord will provide.

I’m really going to miss everyone here. Thanks for putting up with and accepting this Calvinist in your midst. God bless you all! 🙂

Thank you for your compliment.

When I saw your username it occurred to me I had not seen you posting very much lately.

I will continue to pray for CAF members who I have met here through the years.
I am off and away to a new adventure. Not sure how that will work out, but we shall see. Hopefuly no more of “Is it a sin…” (sigh). God bless to all.
Thank you, @Pattylt for starting this thread! I always enjoy reading your (name removed by moderator)ut and perspective, even when I don’t agree with it. You always post charitably and give me things to think about.

@AlNg and @Servant31, thank you for your kind words. I’m honestly touched and surprised that anyone remembered anything I post, given how infrequently I tend to post, due to homeschooling and other duties.

I’m going to miss the connection and community I have here, and the wealth of information when it’s wiped away.
Are there any people I should keep as pen pals from here?
Thank you @AlNg,

I’ve enjoyed your contributions as well. Going to any other forums?

Seems an odd thing to ask other people. Wouldn’t you know after your three days of membership who it is you want to stay in touch with? 😉
Greetings to you , Sitser In Christ…

As it stands, this is the first opportunity I have had to join after having not been here since around 2017 or 2018, when registration was locked due to the moderation problems that existed back then.

I only received news of the closing decision in November, hence why I wanted to
I’m a fairly “new” member here (joined this January) and am disappointed the forum will be shut down. Thanks to all who contributed to “solving” my silly questions/problems. Thanks to each one of you here who have constantly kept me in their prayers. Also, thanks to those who messaged me giving me all the encouraging advices.

God bless you my fellow Catholic brothers and sisters! 🙏
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Goodbye and God bless to everyone here! I have learned much and thank you all!!
Wow. Sad to see his close. I haven’t been active this year but I was a little last year. I “met” some great people here, some I still pray for.
I have enjoyed CAF and the many posters who have contributed over the years, both in the old forum and the new. I originally joined the old forum mainly to discuss apologetics, but then also read and posted on the other topics as well, such as liturgy. On the new forum I got more involved in political discussions because after all, where else could I discuss politics?! Not with family and friends for sure–I like to keep the peace there!

Disagreements on the internet don’t bother me. I don’t want to emulate that internet cartoon of the guy staying up late, losing sleep at the keyboard because “someone is wrong on the internet!”

But CAF had such a good mix of people. Some were experts on canon law, some knew liturgy inside and out. (Catholics are amazing in that we can get into just as much argument about liturgy as about politics!) Some were good at giving family advice.Some knew Church history and apologetics and scripture. Some were and are great in offering prayers.

There were some clergy posters who were helpful and always had good answers. Some posters were just filled with charity and kindness. Some were fonts of common sense and practicality. Mostly this has been a group of just good people. I can’t mention individual posters because there are just so many I have enjoyed.

Before the forum closes, I want to wish everybody the best; and now I have a new category to add to my prayers–all CAF posters present and past. (I guess we will all be past posters shortly.)

Blessings to everyone.
I’m not planning to migrate to any of the other forums at this time (though I am noting them and reserve the right to change my mind!). After 16 years here, I think I need a break from all of this. If I do come back to it, I may try

I was never a voluminous poster, but was an avid daily reader. I thank all of the super-knowledgeable posters who have already been mentioned in this thread, and I’ll add two people have haven’t been (both of whom aren’t active currently).

@Joe_5859 saved me much typing. So often I’d read the OP, formulate a reply in my head that I thought was helpful and needed, and then read the rest of the thread to find that Joe had already said exactly what I was thinking. Also, I greatly enjoyed the small band of power metal fans who congregated in the metal music threads with me and Joe.

@13pollitos and I had some meaningful in-thread and in-PM conversations that have stuck with me.

I’m also looking forward to never seeing posts from a handful of people again in my life, and they shall remain nameless 😉
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I am not ready to say good-bye, but I have found my final epitaph for this place, thanks to @HarryStotle.

He portrayed everything in a benign light.

Think on it for a while, guys and gals.

In the end, all we do is only measured and judged by one. All the politics and silliness of this world’s way of thinking will be gone. Only three things will last: Faith, Hope, and Charity.

The greatest of these is a no-brainer.
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I am not ready to say good-bye, but I have found my final epitaph for this place, thanks to @HarryStotle.

He portrayed everything in a benign light.

Think on it for a while, guys and gals.

In the end, all we do is only measured and judged by one. All the politics and silliness of this world’s way of thinking will be gone. Only three things will last: Faith, Hope, and Charity.

The greatest of these is a no-brainer.
I thought it was love?

Now I find out it is some anonymous person without a brain. 😟
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