Most everyone is doing it. Whether we’re blaming priestly celibacy or blaming homosexuality, we’re looking to peg the issue on a certain TYPE of person to exclude from our circle and make us return to a sense of safety.
This is artificial. As someone who has had to report a fellow Catechist for sexually harassing me (I was 25 but he kept confusing me as a teenager.), I can only say that my experience has taught me that the bishops are not special people who uniquely cover things up.
What I regret is going to the Director of Religious Ed for guidance and leadership instead of informing her of what was happening and that I was going to the police. I regret that I allowed her to gaslight me out of reporting his crime and to minimalize what had happened as merely a “Well, he sexually harassed you and his previous coteacher, but you’re both adult women. I’ll just put another male in the classroom to supervise him. Please give me all your evidence because I’ll take it for safe keeping if this issue does escalate to something more serious.”
No, she didn’t want it coming out that she wasn’t providing the safe environment training mandated of us. Instead, she made me feel like she wasn’t sure of anything that happened beyond what was in the letters. Heck, she made it a point to insist I give her the originals when I’d literally forwarded her his emails. “I need real evidence. I can’t prove you didn’t write them yourself without the originals.” “I forwarded his emails. These weren’t handwritten letters.” Yes, then give me “permission” to delete his emails and make it seem like you suspect I demanded the safe environment training to come up with a list of accusations so that I could usurp the class from him.
She collected my evidence. It’s gone. The teacher she put in there to supervise was arrested the following semester for being a part of a child pornography ring.
He got away. I have no evidence. It’s just my word and I get to deal with the creepiness of knowing he’s been a professional Santa for the last decade. I get to be haunted by the day he confided some “terrible sexual sin” that had forced him to move to another State. “I won’t say what I did, but there’s a man, if he ever saw me again, he’d kill me for what I did to her.” I get to live haunted with how he told me he’d had to look for a special parish because other parishes . . . well, he just had to be careful. They wouldn’t understand." I have to deal with him using setting modesty guidelines as an excuse to leer at the teenage girls. I get to deal with imagining what would have happened had I been a teenager, had I eaten up some of his praise of me, had he gotten me alone and sexually violated me. I get to deal with imagining me blaming myself for the adult and guarding the girl’s modesty to his standards out of a sense of self-blame. I get to remember that he wanted reassurance that I’d back him up if any girls got the wrong impression and accused him of anything.